
  1. 然而,当我毕业以后,还是希望能够做一名空少,因为这是我儿时的梦想也有份稳定的收入。

    However , after graduating , I still wish that I can be a airnan because this is my childhood dream with a stable income at the same time .

  2. 另一个广为转发的故事则是关于一名会计专业的学生:为了成为一名空少,这位21岁男孩儿用了一整年时间学习服务礼仪、紧急医疗救援以及民航法。

    Another widely reposted story is about an accounting student who is determined to become a flight attendant . The 21-year-old man has spent a whole year learning etiquette , emergency medical aid and the Civil Aviation Act to achieve his goal .

  3. 但随着奥运进入倒计时的最后几天,这个城市似乎后劲不足了,许多酒吧、商店和餐馆要么停业,要么是空荡荡的少人光顾。

    But as it counts down the last days until the opening ceremony , the city seems to have run out of steam in the final stretch , with many bars , shops and restaurants shut down or conspicuously empty .

  4. 空冷汽轮发电机少胶VPI整浸工艺研究

    Research on VPI Total Immersion Impregnating Technique for Air-cooled Turbogenerator

  5. 以利沙说,你去,向你众邻舍借空器皿,不要少借。

    Elisha said , 'Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars . Don 't ask for just a few .

  6. 在卢梭餐馆里,酌空的酒瓶非常少,倒空的水瓶却非常多,那好象是一种安神的地方,而不是果腹之处。

    This Restaurant Rousseau , where so few bottles and so many water carafes were emptied , was a calming potion rather than a restaurant .