
  • 网络Grand Free Trade Area
  1. 经过十年建设,中国-东盟自由贸易区已发展为继欧盟和北美自由贸易区后的世界第三大自由贸易区。

    During the decade of construction , China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has become the third largest FTA in the world followed by the EU and NAFTA .

  2. 中国&东盟自由贸易区将是一个拥有18.5亿人口、3万亿美元国内生产总值的世界第三大自由贸易区,这同时也意味着,中国对东盟的国际投资也将迅猛发展。

    China-ASEAN Free Trade Area will be the third largest free trade area which has a population of 1.85 billion , 3 trillion gross domestic products , and this also means there will be a rapid development of international investment between ASEAN and China .

  3. 此外,笔者在结语中还谈到了大中国自由贸易区的实现步骤:应当在完善CEPA及ECFA的相关规定,并尝试先加强小区域经济合作的基础上,循序渐进地进行。

    Besides , the author mentions the implementation steps of the " Greater China FTA " in the collusion part : it should be gradually established based on both the improvement of CEPA and ECFA and reinforcement of the small regional economic cooperation .

  4. 所以,在叙利亚迈出经济发展的一大步之前,应该集中精力于现行的市场贸易协定和条约,如GAFTA(大阿拉伯自由贸易区)。

    So it is better for Syria to concentrate on the current treaty arrangements and trade agreements like GAFTA ( Grater Arab Free Trade Area ) before going to that big step .

  5. 所生产商品通过免税的大阿拉伯自由贸易区协议,销往土耳其或其他中东国家。

    Goods are shipped to Turkey or the rest of the Middle East through the customs-free greater Arab Free Trade Area Agreement .

  6. 若两岸四地成功建立大中国自由贸易区将不仅有利于促进四地的经贸合作,更有利于中国同其他国家或者地区开展自由贸易。

    Once the " Greater China FTA " is established , it will not only be good for promoting these four areas ' economic and trade cooperation , but also be good for China to carry out free trade with other countries and areas .