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  • 网络Book of Great Harmony;The Book of the Great Unity
  1. 关于康有为著《大同书》倒填年月的商榷

    Discussion on " counting down the dates " in Kang Youwei 's A Book of Great Harmony

  2. 关于《大同书》所描写的大同社会的社会性质的研究;

    Secondly , the nature of the society described in the book ;

  3. 康有为《大同书》研究综述

    Book Bar A Summary of Study on Kang You-wei 's Da Tong Shu

  4. 康有为在《大同书》中提出人道就是依人为道,依人为道就是去苦求乐。

    Kang Youwei pointed out that Rendao is human oriented in his book Datong Road .

  5. 康有为的《大同书》中就体现出了强烈的人本主义思想和对人的关怀。

    Datong book which written by Kang Youwei is embodies of the thought of humanist deeply and the care of people .

  6. 康有为的《大同书》集中反映了19世纪末期形成的大同思想。

    Kang Youwei 's Great Harmony mainly reflects the idea of Great Harmony formed at the and of the 19th century .

  7. 他所著的《大同书》,主要体现了他愤世嫉俗的社会现实批判思想和空灵玄妙的大同世界理想。

    His book ,《 An Ideal World 》, mainly conveys his highly critical thought of social practice and his ideal of the wonderful " ideal world " .

  8. 康有为写了《大同书》,他没有也不可能找到一条到达大同的路。

    Kang Yu-wei wrote Ta Tung Shu , or the Book of Great Harmony , but he did not and could not find the way to achieve Great Harmony .

  9. 康德《永久和平》与康有为《大同书》比较研究康有为对《论语》和《孟子》的创造性解释

    The Comparison between Kant s " Perpetual Peace " and Kang You Wei s " DaTongShu "; Creative Interpretation of The Analects of Confucius and The Mencius by Rang Youwei

  10. 试析康有为《大同书》对《回顾》的吸纳及改造天下之大,书籍之多,众生芸芸,人不同,书也不同。

    On Absorption and Reform of Looking Backward in Da Tong Shu Written by Kang You-wei ; The land under heaven is large , there are many works , all living things , people are different , books are also different .