
duō nénɡ xìnɡ
  • Pluripotency;non-uniqueness
  1. 射束硬化是由X射线束能谱的多能性和衰减系数与能量的相关性造成的。

    Beam-hardening is caused by polychromatic energy spectrum and energy dependency attenuation coefficient .

  2. 目的培养人骨髓间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSC)并检测其多能性。

    Objective To cultivate human mesenchymal stem cells ( MSC ) derived from fetal bone marrow and examine their pluripotentiality .

  3. 结果表明该EG细胞系具有多能性,是否可以进入种系有待进一步验证。

    This experiment shows this EG cell line is pluripotent , germline transmission remains to be confirmed .

  4. 免疫荧光染色及RT-PCR检测,发现其表达多能性细胞及生殖细胞的标记,而且具有增殖能力,能够向三个胚层的细胞分化。

    Immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR determination found that the cells express pluripotency , proliferation and germ cells ' markers .

  5. 经ES细胞鉴定,结果表明大部分ES样细胞系保持正常的核型并表达多能性的标志分子,可以在嵌合体小鼠中进行生殖系传递。

    Most cell lines maintained normal karyotype and expressed markers of pluripotency , including germline transmission in chimeric mice .

  6. 表皮干细胞(epidermalstemcells,ESCs)是一类存在于皮肤组织中的多能性细胞,能够自我更新且具有多相分化潜能。

    Epidermal stem cells ( ESCs ) are multipotent stem cells resided in the epidermis , which are self-renewal and potential to differentiate into different types of cells .

  7. 综述了胚胎多能性细胞、早期生殖细胞和ESC的研究进展及相互关系,发现ESC可源于多种细胞类型。

    Here we review the progress of research regarding embryonic pluripotent cells , early germ cells and ESC .

  8. 近年来,表皮干细胞在组织工程、细胞治疗上都显示出巨大的应用潜力,其多能性也日益引起人们关注,尽管如此,其多能性和自我更新能力仍远弱于ESCs。

    Recent years have seen huge application potential of epidermal stem cells in tissue engineering and cell therapy .

  9. 经神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)和角蛋白免疫细胞化学鉴定,证实了神经元样和上皮样细胞的免疫学特征,表明培养的PGC具有分化的多能性。

    The immunological characteristic of the differentiated cells could be identified by neuron specific enolase ( NSE ) and keratin immunocytochemical staining .

  10. 表明低浓度NO可以维持iPS细胞的多能性,并可以延缓在无LIF条件下iPS细胞的凋亡作用,维持其自我更新。

    It demonstrates low concentration of NO could maintain the pluripotency of iPS cells and delay the iPS cells apoptosis without LIF in the medium .

  11. 转录因子Oct-4调控下游靶基因及其与胚胎发育全能/多能性的关系

    Regulation of Downstream Target Genes of Transcription Factor Oct-4 and Its Relationship with Toti / pluripotency of Embryonic Development

  12. 目前,人多能性干细胞包括三种类型:人胚胎干细胞(ESC)、人胚胎生殖细胞(EGC)和人诱导多能性干细胞(iPS)。

    Currently , there are three types of human pluripotent stem cells available for study : embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ), embryonic germ cells ( EGCs ), and induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPS ) .

  13. 对所分离EG细胞经形态观察、AKP染色和体外分化能力检测,证实其符合小鼠EG细胞的集落状生长、细胞未分化特性及细胞多能性等特征。

    When isolated EG cells were examined by morphology observation , AKP strain and in vitro differentiation ability , they were convinced to have a series of characters of mice EG cells including cloning grow way , undifferentiation state and pluripotency of cells .

  14. 胚胎干细胞(ESCs)是早期胚胎经体外分化建立的多能性细胞系,体外培养时保持未分化状态,可以传代增殖。

    Embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) are pluripotent cell lines of earlier embryonic origin cultivated in vitro with anti-differentiation factors . When cultured in vitro , ESCs can keep undifferentiation state and passage to the future generation .

  15. 这些结果表明,融合连续的9个精氨酸作为PTD的重组多能性蛋白可以用于体外培养cESCs并维持其三个胚层方向的多分化潜能至少6代以上。

    Thus , with nine consecutive arginines as a kind of PTD , pluripotency proteins could be used to culture cESCs and maintain their pluripotency at least six generations .

  16. 猪胚胎多能性干细胞的分离培养

    Isolation of pluripotent stem cells from cultured porcine germ cells

  17. 直到最近,“诱导多能性”细胞的生产看来似乎还是一种生物炼金术。

    The production of iPS cells would have seemed like bio-alchemy until recently .

  18. 有报道称,它的激活对维持干细胞的多能性具有非常重要的意义。

    Some reported that its activation contributed to remain pluripotent of stem cells .

  19. 但科学家对“诱导多能性”细胞的实际优势更感兴趣。

    But scientists are more interested in the practical advantage of iPS technology .

  20. 许多专家感到“诱导多能性”细胞的出现令“治疗性克隆”成为多余。

    Many experts feel the advent of iPS cells makes therapeutic cloning redundant .

  21. 精原干细胞去分化和多能性的研究进展

    Updated Dedifferentiation and Pluripotency of Spermatogonial Stem Cells

  22. 诱导性多能性干细胞是在体细胞中转入特定的转录因子诱导而来。

    Induced pluripotent stem cells are derived from somatic cells with defined transcriptional factors .

  23. 成体小鼠脊髓实质神经干细胞的分离培养及其多能性的鉴定

    Isolation , incubation and identification of parenchymal neural stem cells in adult mouse spinal cord

  24. 全能性和多能性鉴定。

    Identification of totipotency and pluripotency .

  25. 制造不涉及真正胚胎的多能性干细胞的伦理优势很明显。

    The ethical advantage of making pluripotent stem cells without involving an actual embryo is obvious .

  26. 因此,多能性干细胞在疾病治疗和组织工程中是一种重要的资源。

    Thus , they represent an valuable resource for the repair of diseased or damaged tissues .

  27. 胚胎干细胞是来自于囊胚内细胞团的多能性细胞。

    ES cells are pluripotent stem cells , which are derived from inner cell mass of blastocyst .

  28. 多能性干细胞也是体外研究胚胎发育的一种重要工具。

    These cells also provide powerful tools for the study of early human embryonic development in vitro .

  29. 人胚胎干细胞建系,鉴定及分化为多能性间充质样前体细胞

    Derivation and Characterization of a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line and Its Differentiation into Multipotent Mesenchymal-like Precursors

  30. 体外培养的人骨髓间充质干细胞多能性特征&超微结构和细胞化学代谢分析

    Pluripotency of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells cultured in vitro : analysis on ultrastructure and cytochemical metabolism