
  • 网络dordrecht;Dort;FC Dordrecht
  1. 多德雷赫特也称多德,荷兰西南部城市,临鹿特丹市东南的默兹河。

    Dordrecht also Dort , a city of southwest Netherlands on the Meuse River southeast of Rotterdam .

  2. 阿诺可·克鲁托夫1981年生于荷兰多德雷赫特,现在在德国柏林工作和生活。

    Anouk Kruithof was born in1981 in Dordrecht , the Netherlands , and now lives and works in Berlin .

  3. 圣诞节后没有返回艾尔沃斯,文森特被打发到多德雷赫特这个可爱的小城市,他的家人已经为他安排了新的人生,他将是一位图书销售商。

    Instead of returning to Isleworth after Christmas , Vincent was packed off to this cute little town , Dordrecht , where his family had come up with a new calling for him , he was going to be a book seller .