
  • 网络Multidimensional Database;MDDB;Essbase;mdb
  1. 基于多维数据库的MOLAP存储及查询技术研究

    Research of MOLAP Storage and Query Techniques Based on Multidimensional Database

  2. 在此结构下,OLAP分析的数据源可以是数据仓库、多维数据库和OLTP数据库,它们可以建立在不同的DBMS上;

    Therefore , this paper provides an universal and extensible framework for OLAP Server System , Multidimensional database and OLTP databse which can be builded on different DBMS ;

  3. 利用GIS和多维数据库技术实现长江口海域环境时空数据分析

    Spatiotemporal analysis based on GIS and multi-dimensional database at the Yangtze Estuary and surrounding coastal area

  4. 基于多维数据库的CUBE优化算法

    Optimizing CUBE Algorithm based on Multidimensional Data Base

  5. 在本文中,采用了两种存储结构不同的OLAP产品:一种底层是多维数据库;

    This paper adopts two OLAP products having the different storage structures . One is based on the multi-dimension database ;

  6. 而且在此框架下,DMS的数据源可以是数据仓库、多维数据库或数据挖掘数据库;

    Under this structure , the data resource of DMS could be DW , multiple database or DM database .

  7. INA算法在多维数据库中挖掘带否定关联规则也有较好的效率,更广泛的应用了带否定关联规则的挖掘。

    INA algorithm is effective in the multi-dimension , which apply the negative association rules in more fields .

  8. 联机分析处理是一种数据分析技术,它可分为基于关系数据库OLAP(ROLAP)和基于多维数据库的(MD-OLAP)。

    OLAP is a kind of data analysis technology , including MD-OLAP and ROLAP .

  9. 之后在OLAP理论的基础上,给出了系统的详细设计和多维数据库的设计模型,设计了多维数据的模式表、数据库连接池;

    Then , we gave system design and the multi-dimensional database design on the OLAP theory , designed the multi-dimensional data schema table and the database connection pool ;

  10. 详细介绍了该数据仓库的特点和体系结构,及其构建过程,并就多维数据库设计、OLAP(联机分析处理)以及数据分析方法进行了探讨。

    The features , system configuration and design process of the data warehouse in this scheme are analyzed . The design of dimension database , online analytical processing ( OLAP ) and data analysis method are discussed .

  11. 因为本人所从事的CRM项目主要是基于多维数据库的OLAP分析,而多维数据库又是建立在数据仓库基础上,所以,我们首先设计CRM数据仓库的数据模型,然后针对OLAP需要,设计了多维数据库。

    As the CRM project does OLAP analysis on the base of Multi-Dimension Database , and MD Database is built on the base of Data Warehouse , we firstly design data models for CRM Data Warehouse , then design MD Databases in the light of OLAP analysis .

  12. 实时监控系统中的多维数据库技术

    Multi-dimension Database Technology in the Real Time Monitor and Control System

  13. 基于多维数据库的集装箱空箱调运优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Empty Container Allocation Based on the Multi-dimensional Database

  14. 以立方体结构为例探讨多维数据库在电子文献组织中的使用

    Application of Multi-dimentional Database into the Electronic Literature Resource Organization

  15. 采用多种途径实现多维数据库的物理存储。

    The paper realizes physical memory of multidimensional database by many ways .

  16. 多维数据库分析系统在南航财务分析中的应用

    Multi-dimensions database analyzing system in financial analyzing system of China Southern Airlines

  17. 用多维数据库实现数据集市

    Using A Dimensional Database to Build A Data Market

  18. 多维数据库检索查询的新机制

    The New Mechanism to Query Multi-Dimensional Database

  19. 多维数据库中的超立方体结构应用于对海量数据的多维分析中。

    The cube in multidimensional database is used in the multidimensional analysis of the huge data .

  20. 一种多维数据库和多维视图模型

    A multidimensional database and view model

  21. 对于多维数据库,采用与数据仓库相结合的方法,利用数据仓库联机分析的一些结果,能够更好的挖掘带否定关联规则。

    To multi-dimension database , combining the data warehouse is more effective in mining association rules .

  22. 多维数据库研究

    Research on Multidimensional Database

  23. 阐述了数据集市的基本概念,并结合实际例子探讨了一种用多维数据库实现数据集市的方法。

    And describes a way to form a data market through multi-dimensional database combined with a practical case .

  24. 通过对多维数据库的分析,提出多维技术可以应用到面向学科的知识仓库中。

    Analyzing multidimensional database , the paper puts forward multidimensional technology which may be used in discipline-oriented knowledge warehouse .

  25. 用多维数据库构建需求管理数据平台实时监控系统中的多维数据库技术

    Constructing a Data Platform for Demand Management with Multidimensional Database Multi-dimension Database Technology in the Real Time Monitor and Control System

  26. 需求管理系统以多维数据库做基础数据平台,其上要构建需求预测和战略用户协同等多个子系统。

    Based on the data platform with multidimensional database , some applications such as demand forecasting and strategic synergy are needed .

  27. 在严格数据仓库概念基础上,说明了数据仓库与多维数据库之间关系及数据仓库的特性和优势。

    Based on the strict concept of data warehouse , the relations between data warehouse and multi dimensional database and the performances of data warehouse are explained .

  28. 研究了数据仓库的逻辑设计和物理设计,包括数据模型分析、多维数据库设计、数据仓库的并行处理、分区等。

    Studying the logic the physics of the data warehouse designs , including the data model analysis , multi-dimensional database design , the data warehouse parallel processing , partition etc.

  29. 系统紧密结合日常网络维护和优化工作,通过数据挖掘、多维数据库交互和智能错误识别等技术,实现了大量日常工作的智能化和自动化。

    The normalized system closely links up optimization theory with daily network maintenance and optimization . By data mining , multi-dimentional database , interactive and intelligent error identification techniques to achieve a great deal of the daily work of intelligence and automation .

  30. 论文讨论了渔船型线数据库系统的总体设计方案,提出多维数据库存储模式,并用元数据的方法对型船数据及变换模型进行优选。

    In this paper , the total designed scheme on database system for molded lines of fishing vessels is discussed . A store model of multidimension data is given and the method of metadata applied to optimize the selection of the data of molded ships and transformation model .