
The changes in the soil microbial community diversity by agricultural chemicals were found at the DNA level .
Two copies of JH and C μ genes in the bovine germline may contribute to the antibody diversification as well .
The above results showed that , although a selection of four generations did not cause a significant difference of genetic diversities , it caused a clear trend in genetical purification , and the F_8 and F_9 generations have reached a rather high genetic stability as a genetic improved variety .
The selection advantage of heterozygotes maybe is the important mechanism of maintaining genetic diversity .
Effect of chemical fertilizer on nematode community composition and diversity in the Black Soil Region
It also seeks to determine the symbolic value of language varieties for their speakers .
The time of man-made vegetation restoration had an important effect on the diversity of soil macrofauna and meso-microfauna .
It indicated that the snow disaster brought a destructive impact on the Pieridae biodiversity in Nanling National Nature Reserve .
An over-exploitation of the soil for agricultural gain can have long term , negative impacts on the biodiversity of the region .
The current knowledge concerning the structure of fish immunoglobulin ( Ig ) genes and the genetic mechanisms in generating fish antibody diversities is reviewed .
The results show that the change of the number of landscape types because of human beings interference is remarkable to diversity , but weak to dominance and evenness .
What change to the diversity of weeds after the drip irrigation technology has been adopted in cotton field ? How to use the diversity to prevent creatures effectively is significant .
Biological invasion constitutes a serious threat to species diversity : squeezing out indigenous plants and animals , making indigenous population disappearing , causing the extinction of high locally distributed species .
The investigation on fish and their habitats in Hanjiang River system and Jialingjiang River system in west region of Qinling Mountains indicated that human activities had a great impact on fish diversity .
The external performance of the industrial system evolution process is namely the industry economic phenomena , and the openness , the non - balance and the non-linearity of the industrial system is the fountain from which the complexity and the multiplicity of industry economic phenomena derives .
Since fanwort has a different ecological niche than other aquatic weeds such as alligator alternanthera ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) and common water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ), which could imply " joint " impact on native species diversity , further biological and ecological investigations of fanwort are urgently needed .
Diversity of the RNase A Superfamily and Innate Host Defense
Digital video post-processing is a kind of digital signal process technology that faced to diversity of digital television formats .
Low selective pressure makes for the spontaneity emergence of biodiversity , the excessively dominant unitary element in a system restrains the diversity .
They argue that the latter regions might hold much of the adaptive variation between populations , and might therefore be important for the generation and maintenance of biodiversity .
Therefore , the measurement of economic , ecological and social benefits and the evaluation of nature reserves development in the conservation of biodiversity in nature reserves are particularly important .
Emergence of the advanced organisms and remarkable increase of biodiversity , as well as most major innovation of organism structures took place in the latest stage of life history ( since 700 Ma ) .
Forest gap leads to the formation of environmental heterogeneity , which plays an important role in the distribution of species , community dynamics and biodiversity . Further , it also influences forest regeneration and succession .
It can be seen from this that hosts had a definite impact on intraspecific genetic diversity and origin was not significantly associated with intraspecific genetic difference . ITS sequence analysis was an effective means to distinguish the two related species .
Research puts forward that land use activities must be in the threshold of ecological system , once beyond the threshold , the land use subsystem will bring about an irreversible impact on biodiversity , even making the composite system in damaging stage .
The Chinese excellent domestic breeds have been making active contributions to the global biodiversity .
The studies on vegetation patterns and diversity by using fractal theory are generated under this background .
Due to their species diversity , marine microorganisms can produce diversified active substances with various structures .
Along with the diversity of monitoring methods , also generated a lot of ways and means of deformation monitoring data processing .
When the algorithm is in local optimum , this method can disperse the particles and improve the diversity of the population and avoid premature convergence .