
xià zhì
  • Summer Solstice;June solstice
夏至 [xià zhì]
  • (1) [summer solstice]∶对北半球的居民来说,指太阳到达夏至点的时刻;对南半球的居民来说,指太阳到达冬至点的时刻

  • (2) [solstice]∶二十四节气之一,在6月21或22日,这一天北半球白天最长,夜间最短

夏至[xià zhì]
  1. 这个期间内还间隔有一次夏至。

    This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice .

  2. 明天就交夏至了。

    Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice .

  3. 过了夏至,天就开始变短。

    The days get shorter after the Summer Solstice .

  4. 夏至之后白天开始变短。

    The days begin to draw in after the summer solstice .

  5. SD大鼠IL-2含量在春分与夏至之间存在显著性差异(P0.05)。

    There is significant difference in the content of IL-2 between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 方法:采用大鼠松果体摘除模型,运用原位杂交技术,探讨了在冬至、夏至SD雄性大鼠睾丸CFos和CJUN的mRNA的变化规律。

    Adopting rat pinealectomy model and in situ hybridization technology , we discuss the varying regularity of c fos and c jun mRNA in male rat 's testis in midwinter and in midsummer .

  7. 结果:睾丸CFos和CJUN的mRNA具有冬至表达强、表达量多,夏至表达弱、表达量少的特点和趋势。

    Results : the expression degree and the amount of c fos and c jun mRNA in testis are of intensity and plenty feature and trend in midwinter while weak and insignificant in midsummer .

  8. 本文在前人已公布的暴时电离层动态资料的基础上,进行了太平洋地区冬至与夏至期间电子总量和F层特征的分析研究,取得了新的结果。

    In this paper , features of the total electron content and F-region of the ionosphere over the Pacific area during the typical storms are analysed on the basis of published data and some new results are presented .

  9. 秋分时,三个品种绵羊血液中LH的含量在日落后有上升的趋势,小尾寒羊在春分、夏至和秋分时,血液中LH的含量一直呈上升趋势;

    In autumn equinox , plasma LH in these three breeds had increasing trends after sunset . Plasma LH in Small-Tail Han Sheep was always increased after sunset in spring equinox , summer equinox and autumn equinox .

  10. 结果:血清T夏高冬低,LH夏至有升高趋势、FSH季节变化不明显;

    The results showed that in the normal rats , T level was high in summer and low in winter , LH level tended to increase at Summer Solstice and FSH level had no obvious seasonal change ;

  11. 实验动物选用健康雄性SD大鼠,体重180-200g,分别于春分、夏至、秋分前14天购自于河北医科大学实验动物中心。

    SD male rats , 180-200g weight , we got it from the laboratory animal center of HeBei Medical University fourteen days before Spring Equinox , Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox .

  12. 采用大鼠松果体摘除模型,探索了冬至、夏至SD雄性大鼠血清睾酮(T)、黄体生成素(LH)及卵泡刺激素(FSH)的变化规律。

    The changes in the levels of serum testosterone ( T ), luteotropic hormone ( LH ) and follicule stimulating hormone ( FSH ) were studied in the pineal body removed SD male rats at the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice .

  13. 结果表明,从夏至起逐步缩短光照,冬毛提前生长并成熟,皮板和毛被质量与自然光照组无显著差异,且可提前30d打皮。

    The result shows shortening light progressively from summer solstice , fur growth is advanced and mature , but the leather and fur quality are not significant difference between experiment group and control group , and it can advance taking-fur 30 days .

  14. 并在此基础上,计算了全国6个典型地貌类型区,在春秋分日、夏至日和冬至日,两个空间分辨率下(500m和1km)地面日照时间的空间分布。

    In this study , 6 typical terrain areas within China were selected and their spatial distributions of sunlit time on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes , the Summer Solstice and midwinter day in two different resolutions ( 500m and 1km ) were calculated using the developed model .

  15. 这是一年中最长的一天—夏至。

    the longest day of the year , the midsummer solstice .

  16. 夏至大概是在这星期,不是吗?

    It 's midsummer sometime this week , isn 't it ?

  17. 夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。

    The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice .

  18. 一种由美洲印第安人在夏至进行的祭奠舞蹈。

    A ceremonial dance performed by Amerindians at the summer solstice .

  19. 老图克以前在夏至都会施放它们。

    Old Took used to have them on Midsummer 's Eve .

  20. 像多年前的那个失去夏至的夏天。

    Just like the summer which had lost years ago .

  21. 使夏至三倍受欢迎,三倍希奇。

    Makes summer 's welcome thrice more wish 'd , more rare .

  22. 就像是新年除夕,同时又是夏至!

    It 's like New Years Eve and midsummer at the same time !

  23. 明天刚好是夏至日

    Now , tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year .

  24. 中国东北地区夏至战国时期的考古学文化研究

    Study on Archeology Culture of Xia Dynasty to Warring States in Northeast Region of China

  25. 夏至?这还用问哪。

    The Summer Solstice ? Of course .

  26. 周二,瑜伽练习者在时代广场庆祝夏至,向太阳致敬。

    Yoga practitioners salute the sun while celebrating the solstice in Times Square on Tuesday .

  27. 这日期温斯顿记得牢之又牢,因为那一天正是夏至;

    The date had stuck in winston 's memory because it chanced to be midsummer day ;

  28. 我在这夏至之夜到这里来便没错了。

    I had been right to come here , on the eve of the summer solstice .

  29. 很久以前,瑞典人认为夏至是个神奇的日子。

    Long ago , people in Sweden thought the summer solstice was a time of magic .

  30. 如果目前你还没有这样的感觉,它会出现在这个非常特别的夏至周。

    If you don 't already have this , it will emerge during this very special solsticeweek .