
xià wēi yí yǔ
  • Hawaiian
  1. 但在夏威夷语中意为“快”的“WikiWiki”在英语中可是另有所指,指的是读者可以自行编辑的网页。

    But " Wiki Wiki ", meaning " quick " in Hawaiian , has a very different meaning in its new host language : a type of Web page designed so that its contents can be edited by anyone who accesses it .

  2. 取自于夏威夷语中表示快速的名词,该名称由quick-web变成了WikiWikiWeb,并随之产生一种新的协作方式。

    Taken from the Hawaiian word for fast , the name quick-web became WikiWikiWeb , and with it came a new means of collaboration .

  3. 官方语言为英语和夏威夷语两种,但日常生活用语以英语为主。

    English is the dominant language in Hawaii , but it is infused with Hawaiian words , phrases and pidgin slang .

  4. 这个词来自夏威夷语中表示“一半”的词,这个外来词汇长期用来指有混血背景的人。

    it 's a Hawaiian pidgin term long used to refer to people of mixed-race background - is now part of the everyday lexicon .

  5. 台湾比之夏威夷,可谓见地语。

    Taiwan 's analogy with Hawaii is perfectly adept .

  6. 分布于夏威夷的大洋州语。

    The Oceanic languages spoken on Hawaii .

  7. 27个独立州都使用英语作为它的官方语言,其中三个(夏威夷、路易斯安娜州和新墨西哥)也采用第二官方语言(分别是夏威夷语、法语和西班牙语)。

    Twenty-seven individual states have adopted English as their official language , and three of those - Hawaii , Louisiana , and New Mexico ― have also adopted a second official language ( Hawaiian , French and Spanish , respectively ) .

  8. 在夏威夷马诺亚大学一位天文学家领导下的研究人员们将此超星系团命名为兰天,夏威夷语意思是“广袤无垠的天堂”。

    Researchers , led by an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa , have named this supercluster Laniakea , which means " immense heaven " in Hawaiian .