
  • 网络complex control system
  1. 而传统的PID控制策略和一些复杂控制系统已经难以满足生产企业对改善产品品质和提高经济效益所提出的要求。

    But the traditional PID control strategy and some complex control system is not able to satisfy enterprise needs of improvement product quality and increase economic profit .

  2. 从介绍基础控制环境入手,着重探讨了以DCS为核心的裂解炉、压缩机复杂控制系统在乙烯装置的应用情况。

    The article introduces the application of complex control system in furnace and compressor of the ethylene plant which DCS is the core .

  3. 重整装置中复杂控制系统在DCS上的实现

    The Complex Control Systems in Catalytic Reforming is Realized on DCS

  4. 用VB实现复杂控制系统原理演示的多媒体模拟

    Multimedia simulation of the principle of complicated control systems by Visual Basic

  5. 同时,针对复杂控制系统中应用最为广泛的串级控制系统与前馈控制系统,提出了与其相适应的PID参数自整定策略;

    Meanwhile , the auto-tuning strategies focused on cascade and feedforward control systems are put forward as well .

  6. 高压除水环境控制系统是典型的多输入多输出(MIMO)复杂控制系统,各个变量之间存在很强的耦合关系。

    Aircraft environmental control system ( ECS ) with high pressure water separation is a representative complex coupling control system of MIMO .

  7. 复杂控制系统的PMK组态设计

    The Design Configurated by PMK to Complex Control Systems

  8. 复杂控制系统常用UML来建模,而分布式控制系统又通常以功能块来构建,文中研究了用于连接UML-RT封装体和IEC61499功能块的模型元件:功能块适配器。

    The modeling of complex control system is usually based on the UML , thus the distributed control system is generally constructed by function block . This paper studies the modeling element : Function Block Adapter , which responsible for the connection of UML-RT capsule and IEC 61499 function block .

  9. 台面球控制系统是一个典型的多变量复杂控制系统。

    Ball & Plate control system is a complicated nonlinear system .

  10. 复杂控制系统面向对象法的诊断系统模型

    A Diagnostic System Model of Object-Oriented Method for Complex Control Systems

  11. 该方法能够很好地应用于非线性复杂控制系统。

    The method can use well for nonlinear complex control system .

  12. 复杂控制系统随机参量的广义自相关性研究

    On the Generalized Self-correlation of Random Parameter in Complex Control Systems

  13. 一类复杂控制系统的全息控制

    On the Holographic Control of a Class of Complex Control System

  14. 常见复杂控制系统在设计和实施中应注意的问题及分析

    The Analysis on the Problems Met in Common Complicated Control System

  15. 该控制器可广泛应用于各种复杂控制系统。

    The controller can be used in many complex systems .

  16. 基于主成分分析的一类工业复杂控制系统变量降维选取

    Variable selection for complex industrial control system based on principal component analysis

  17. 复杂控制系统的对称性及相似性结构研究

    Study on symmetric and similar structures of complex control systems

  18. 复杂控制系统多室模型的分析与优化

    Analysis and Optimization on Poly-chambers Models of Complex Control System

  19. 尿素装置复杂控制系统简析与仪表调试

    Analysis and calibration of complex control system in urea unit

  20. 复杂控制系统智能化建模方法及其应用

    Intelligent modelling method of complex control systems and its application

  21. 复杂控制系统数码管的实时显示技术

    The real-time display technique of digit tubes in complex computer control system

  22. 基于模糊逻辑的复杂控制系统自适应鲁棒控制器设计

    Adaptive Robust Controller Design for Complex Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic Systems

  23. 复杂控制系统理论:构想与前景

    The conception and prospects of complex control system theory

  24. 片上系统在复杂控制系统设计中的应用

    Application of SoC in the complex control system design

  25. 具有相似结构的复杂控制系统的鲁棒控制研究

    Robust Control for Complex Control Systems with Similarity

  26. 复杂控制系统故障诊断的远程实现技术

    A Kind of Realization of Remote Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance for Complex Control System

  27. 复式连续自动工作压床连续事例推理智能控制在复杂控制系统中的应用

    Application of an intelligent control method using continuous case based reasoning for complicated system

  28. 基于粗糙集理论的模糊模型及其在复杂控制系统中的应用

    Fuzzy model based on rough sets theory and its applications to complicated control systems

  29. 复杂控制系统在聚酯工程中的应用&浆料的串级比值控制系统

    A Complex Control System in PET Plant & Cascade-ratio Control System in Mixing of Slurry

  30. 离子膜烧碱装置中的复杂控制系统

    Pressure Control System of IEM Alkali Unit