
shēnɡ jí jì
  • Sound level meter;sound meters
  1. 基于嵌入式Web的远程声级计测控系统

    Remote Measurement and Control System of Sound Level Meter Based on Embedded Web Server

  2. 基于PULSE系统的声级计自动检定测试系统

    The Automatic Measurement System of Sound Level Meter Based on PULSE System

  3. 它采用精密声级计做为声传感器、激振器做为作动器,通过对性能加权函数和鲁棒加权函数的选取,设计了相应的鲁棒H∞控制器。

    The robust H_ ∞ controller has been designed through the elections of the performance weighting function and the robust weighting function .

  4. 而噪声则通过声级计由RS-232传入计算机。

    In the other hand , noise information tested with sound level meter is passed through interface RS-232 to computers .

  5. 阶梯波法测试声级计L(eq)功能的研究

    Study on testing L_ ( eq ) function of the sound level meter with step wave method

  6. 将DDS技术与单片机以及计算机技术结合,运用到猝发声仪器的设计中,实现了符合新的声级计检测标准的猝发声仪器的开发。

    With integration of DDS and computer technology , the tone burst instrument is well designed to meet the new testing standard of the sound level meter .

  7. 数字声级计(DSLM)引擎设计与研究

    The Design and Research of the Engine of Digital Sound Level Meter

  8. 其次,对车轮阻尼器的降噪效果进行实验分析。实验采用激振单摆、加速度传感器、电荷放大器、声级计、智能信号采集处理分析仪以及DASP软件组成的测试系统。

    Secondly , experiments were made to analyze the effect of the wheel damper , we used the system composed of a self-made pendulum , three acceleration sensors , a four-channel charge amplifier , a sound level meter , a signal collection analyzer and the DASP software .

  9. GB/T17181-1997积分平均声级计A加权等效连续声压级

    Integrating-averaging sound level meters A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure leve

  10. 充分发出的平均减速度GB/T17181-1997积分平均声级计

    Mean fully developed braking deceleration MFDD Integrating-averaging sound level meters

  11. 声级计抗电磁场辐射干扰试验研究

    Experimental Research on Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Interference of Sound Level Meter

  12. GB/T3785-1983声级计的电、声性能及测试方法

    " Electric , sonic properties and measuring methods for sound level meters "

  13. 检定声级计有关性能用猝发声的研究

    Study on the tone burst used to check the performances of sound levelmeters

  14. 声级计国际标准的修订进展与内容

    Progress in and contents of the revision of International Standard of Sound Level Meters

  15. 用精密声级计测量电机噪声

    Noise measurement of electromotor by precise acoustic tester

  16. GB/T17312-1998声级计的无规入射和扩散场校准

    Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters

  17. 智能声级计的设计与分析

    Design ang Analysis of Intelligent Sound Level Meter

  18. 采样频率对积分声级计时间平均特性影响的研究

    The effect of the sampling frequency on the time averaging characteristics of integrating sound level meter

  19. 用声级计和PC机测定声室T(60)的一种方法

    Determine t_ ( 60 ) of the room with a noise meter and a personal computer

  20. 本文采用主观识别声源和声级计测试的方法,对立式蒸炒锅整机噪声源进行识别。

    The noise source of vertical cooker is identified by ears and sound meter in this paper .

  21. 而且噪音的评价分析和控制指标也多基于声级计的分贝数大小。

    Evaluation , analysis and control index are mainly based on the dB value of sound level meter .

  22. 目的比较个体计量仪与声级计评价挡车工噪声暴露的异同。

    Objective To compare the virtues and disadvantages between the measure results using individual dosimeter and sound level meter respectively .

  23. 声级计低频响应检定&圆形活塞声源近声场检定方法

    A verification method of sound level meter 's low frequency record used near sound field of circular piston sound sources

  24. 声级计是测量声压级的仪器,也是声学的基本仪器之一,被广泛的应用在各行各业。

    Sound level meter ( SLM ), which is the basic acoustics instrument , has been widely used for measuring sound level .

  25. 该装置由工控机、精密声级计、数据采集卡以及相应的采集和分析软件构成。

    The instrument is formed by IPC , exact sound level metre , data sampling card and software for sampling and analysis .

  26. 我们能够在多大程度上准确预测贫困脆弱性?浅谈声级计校准过程中的不确定度评定

    How Precisely Can We Estimate Vulnerability to Poverty ? The Simple Explanation of Uncertainty Evaluation in the Calibration Procssing of Sound Level Maters

  27. 介绍一种智能声级计的设计,它采用80C31作为微处理器,能直接进行等效连续A声级、统计A声级等噪声评价量的计算和显示。

    In this paper , a design of intelligent sound leveler is introduced.With80C31 as microprocessor , it can directly measure LAeq , LAN etc.

  28. 最后,通过在某变电站的测试实例,介绍了具体的测点布置和正确使用声级计的方法。

    Finally , the specific layout of measuring points and the correct application means of sound level meters are introduced in combination with the measurement case in a substation .

  29. 采用ND-2型精密声级计测量了装置内和厂界噪声分布,分析了强噪声污染源的形成原因。

    The noise distribution in the unit and at the plant boundary were analyzed with the ND-2 type precise sonic-grade detector , and the formation cause of strong noise pollution source was analyzed .

  30. 方法:采用2230型精密声级计,参照《工业企业噪声检测规范》对某钢铁厂6个分厂的噪声点进行了监测。

    Methods : According to our national noise monitoring specification of industry organization , noise monitoring was performed by using a precise sound level meter in 6 subordinate plants of a steel iron plant .