
  • 网络acoustic vibration;sound vibration;sonic vibration
  1. 声振动分析技术用于骨折愈合程度估计的研究进展

    The progress of evaluating bone fracture healing with acoustic vibration analysis

  2. 木材声振动特性的研究与进展

    Advances in Study and Research on Acoustic Vibration Property of Wood

  3. 在体长骨声振动特性分析

    Analysis to Acoustic Vibration Properties of the Long Bones in Vivo

  4. 结晶度对云杉属木材声振动特性参数的影响

    The Effect of Crystallinity Index on Vibration Properties of Picea Wood

  5. 中心射流对旋流燃烧器热声振动的影响

    Effect of Central Jet on Thermoacoustic Oscillation of Swirl Combustor

  6. 骨声振动分析中软组织加速度计的影响分析

    Influence of accelerometer and soft tissue on sound vibration analysis of bone

  7. 工件横向施振超声振动磨削力特性试验研究

    Study on Grinding Force Characteristics in Work Ultrasonic Vibration Grinding of Ceramics

  8. 并简要介绍了热声振动的控制机理,并通过一个简单的系统模型讲述了热声振动控制的方法。

    Then introduce the mechanism of control of thermoacoustic oscillation .

  9. 云杉属木材晚材率变异系数与声振动特性参数

    Variance coefficient of latewood percentage to sound vibration parameters of Picea genera wood

  10. 肋木对钢琴音板声振动传播性能的影响

    Effect of Ribs on Vibration Transmission of Piano Soundboard

  11. 云杉属木材纵向和径向声振动特性参数关系的研究

    Study on the Relationships between Longitude and Radial Sound Vibration Parameters of Genus Picea

  12. 声振动无损检测材料强度的方法及其检测机理

    Acoustic Vibration Methods for Non-Destructive Testing of Material 's Strength and their Testing Mechanism

  13. 云杉属木材生长轮宽度变异系数对声振动参数的影响

    Effects of Variance Coefficient of Growth Ring Width on Sound Vibration Parameters of Picea Wood

  14. 管壳式换热器声振动探析

    The Discussion of Sound-Vibration of Tubular Heat-exchanger

  15. 声振动疗法在喉癌术后止痛护理中的应用研究

    Application study on sound vibrating therapy for pain relief nursing care of postoperative laryngeal cancer patients

  16. 激光光声振动谱研究表面吸附

    Surface adsorption studied by photoacoustic spectroscopy

  17. 表面吸附单原子层的声振动模式

    Phonon Modes of Adsorbed Monolayers

  18. 云杉木材声振动性能与生长轮宽度、晚材率之间关系的研究

    Study on relationship between sound vibration parameters and growth ring width and latewood percentage of Picea genera wood

  19. 而燃油和燃气锅炉的炉膛振动常由热声振动所引起。

    Particularly , furnace vibration of oil fired or oil / gas fired boilers may be excited by thermo-acoustic oscillations .

  20. 观察声振动疗法在喉癌术后病人止痛护理方面的应用效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of sound vibrating therapy applied in analgesia nursing of postoperative laryngeal cancer patients .

  21. 关于声振动对球形降水粒子运动边界层和运动状态的影响

    On the influence of acoustic vibration on the regime of air motion in the boundary layer of spherical precipitation particle falling

  22. 在骨声振动分析中皮肤、肌肉等软组织、加速度计对结果有一定的影响。

    Accelerometer and soft tissue such as skin and muscle have an influence on the result of sound vibration analysis of bone .

  23. 声振动疗法在喉癌术后病人止痛护理方面效果明显好于常规护理方法。

    Conclusion : Sound vibrating therapy has an better pain relief effect in nursing care of postoperative laryngeal cancer patients than the routine nursing care .

  24. 木材都具有优良的声振动性能,木材之间的声振动性能的差别能较直接的反映木材强度差别。

    All the lumber has the fine sound vibration performance , the difference of lumber sound vibration performance can the more directly reflect plate intensity difference .

  25. 如果你有原子晶体,它的声振动遍布不同可能的波长范围,频率都不高。

    If you have an atomic crystal , it just has the sound vibrations at all the different wavelengths that are available . They 're never very high .

  26. 在中心射流的流量达到总风量的15%时,可以大幅降低热声振动的振幅。

    When the volume of central jet rises to 15 percent of the total air volume , a clear decrease of the amplitudes of the thermoacoustic oscillation can be observed .

  27. 利用弯曲振动法测取了纤维板的声振动参数并进行了分析比较,结果表明:密度大的纤维板其振动加速度较大,振动能量损耗较低,声反射能力较强,但声辐射能力较弱;

    The acoustic vibration parameters of fiberboard were measured by flexural vibration . The results show that the high density fiberboards have high vibration acceleration and acoustic reflex with low wastage of vibration energy and weak acoustic radiation ;

  28. 同时我们进行了用直流风代替中心风对比试验研究,发现热声振动振幅的下降是中心射流的作用,而不是旋流强度下降的结果。

    Meanwhile we applied a second air jet to swirl combustor instead of the central jet as a comparative experiment . We make sure that it is the central jet which reduced the amplitude of thermoacoustic oscillation , not the decrease of the swirl intensity .

  29. 多DSP在分布式声与振动信号监测系统中的应用

    The Application of Multi-DSP in Distributed Monitoring System for Sound and Vibration

  30. 这几种滤波器可以用来估价任意函数类型状态变量的统计量,包括在环境声与振动系统中与Lx评价指数有关的低阶和高阶的统计量。

    They can estimate any kinds of statistics of arbitrary function type of state variables including the lower and the higher order statistics connected with the Lx evaluation index in the environmental sound and vibration systems .