
  • 网络Cuttlefish;Garra lamta
  1. 鱼疗(fishpedicure)是一种美体方式,主要做法是将双脚浸在有墨头鱼(也称“医生鱼”)游弋的水池中,让这些小鱼啃食除去足部的死皮和老茧。

    Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish , which nibble off dead and thickened skin .

  2. 美国华盛顿电视台记者德瑞克·麦金提:何约翰远赴中同学习技术,利用这种淡红墨头鱼--又称医生鱼--吃掉脚上的角质。

    DEREK MCGINTY , WUSA REPORTER : John Ho traveled all the way to China to learn the art of using these tiny garra rufa , or doctor fish , to eat the dead skin off your feet .