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mò jì
  • ink mark;sb.'s writing or painting;somebody's writing or painting
墨迹 [mò jì]
  • (1) [ink marks]∶用墨留下的残迹

  • (2) [somebodys writing or painting]∶指某人手迹

  • 这是张大千的墨迹

墨迹[mò jì]
  1. 墨迹在湿纸上浸开了。

    The ink had run on the wet paper .

  2. 这是他的墨迹。

    This is his calligraphy .

  3. 衣服上的这块墨迹洗不掉。

    I can 't get rid of this ink stain on my coat .

  4. 他衬衫上有墨迹。

    There were ink stains on his shirt .

  5. 这是鲁迅的墨迹。

    This is Lu xun 's calligraphy .

  6. 允许您在office程序中使用墨迹功能,比如墨迹绘图和书写。

    Enables you to use ink features , such as drawing and writing , in office programs .

  7. 碳素墨迹中石墨粒度的Raman光谱研究

    A Study on Raman Spectra of Particle Size of Graphite in Inkblot

  8. 用一个探测器捕捉所有位于这些X射线的能量,就能一点一点将墨迹的图像还原。

    A detector captures each X-ray having this energy , building up an image of the ink dot by dot .

  9. 在罗夏测试(Rorschachtest)中,他们不是把墨迹看成死去的婴儿或倒下的战友,就是觉得什么都不像。

    In Rorschach tests , every inkblot was a dead baby , a fallen comrade or nothing at all .

  10. 罗夏墨迹测验自主同一性量表(MOA)的研究

    Study of the Mutuality of Autonomy Scale ( MOA ) in Rorschach Ink Test

  11. OscarDiaz设计了这款墨迹日历,从细管中流出的墨水在纸上显示出相应的日期。(好美的日历!)

    Oscar Diaz designed a calendar that uses the capillary action of printer ink spreading across paper to display the current date .

  12. Picatoo发布了一项新服务,该服务可将Instagram图片转化成临时墨迹,这样Instagram图片就可以印在身体任何地方。

    Picatoo has launched a service which transforms Instagram photos into temporary inkings that can be worn wherever you like on your body .

  13. 历史上罗夏墨迹测验(RIM)一直被视为投射测验而用精神分析的理论解释它,使其偏离了客观化的发展方向。

    In history , the Rorschach Ink-Blot Method ( RIM ) has always been considered as a projective test , so its interpretations were mainly based on Psychoanalytic Theory , which had deviated from its original objective direction .

  14. 没有装订,也没有墨迹,白纸失去了它古老的目的。

    Unbound and uninked , plain paper abandons its age-old purpose .

  15. 基于共焦显微拉曼光谱的蓝色圆珠笔墨迹的研究

    Research of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inkblot Based on Confocal Micro-Raman Spectroscopy

  16. 团体罗夏墨迹测验将对于教育、科研、心理测量、心理咨询等工作有着重要的意义。

    It is significant in education , teaching , psychological consultation etc.

  17. 阻止取消阻止字体图释使用墨迹使用键盘笔橡皮擦选定

    Block Unblock Font Emoticons Use Ink Use Keyboard Pen Eraser Selection

  18. 墨迹抗议一个新的一代的路障。

    The inkblot protests A new generation takes to the barricades .

  19. 我怎么才能除去衬衫上的墨迹?

    How can I take out these inkstains from my shirt ?

  20. 你认为采用何种办法能清除我衣服上的墨迹?

    What do you advise for removing ink from my clothes ?

  21. 这个教室里的桌子全都墨迹斑斑。

    The desks in the classroom were all spotted with ink .

  22. 他想除去衣服上的墨迹,但没有成功。

    He tried in vain to remove ink stain from his clothes .

  23. 是否删除此演示文稿中的所有批注、标记和墨迹注释?

    Delete all comments , revisions and ink annotations in this presentation ?

  24. 墨迹是褐色的,看起来应该是很久以前写成的。

    The writing was brown . The ink looked old .

  25. 订单上有两种不同的墨迹。

    There were two different inks on the work order .

  26. 罗夏墨迹技术采用综合系统的标准记分。

    Standard score of comprehensive system was used in RIM .

  27. 他的衬衣上有一快墨迹。

    There is a mark of ink on his shirt .

  28. 看,墨迹没有了,这是会消失的墨水。

    Look , the stain 's gone . it 's disappearing ink .

  29. 他花了近2个小时的时间清除那篇论文中字母间的墨迹。

    It took him nearly two hours to lay up that paper .

  30. 当替换墨迹比所删除墨迹淡时,则无法保持发光度。

    Cannot maintain luminosity when replacement ink is lighter than deleted ink .