
  1. 根据中国天天数据调研报告显示,大学生是3G业务的主要消费群体,高校市场已成为了不可多得的纯增量市场。

    According to the special research report of daily data in China , college students are the main consumer groups for operators , and the campus market has become one of the few pure incremental markets .

  2. 随着向现代电信企业转型和3G业务的全面开展,电信企业正面临日益激烈的竞争环境和发展压力,增量市场放缓,利润率持续走低,客户需求的个性化趋势明显。

    With the transition to a modern telecommunications and the comprehensive development of 3G business , telecommunication enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competitive environment , development pressure , the slowdown of the incremental market , the decline of the profit margin and the personalized customer demand .

  3. 因电信市场发展的日渐饱和,发展新用户增量市场的潜力越来越小,所以各大运营商将发展目标集中于提升在网用户的ARPu值。

    The development of telecommunication market is saturated gradually , and the development potential of new user incremental market is becoming smaller , so the communication operators have focus their attention on improving the Average Revenue Per-User ( ARPU ) value .

  4. 房地产增量市场与房地产存量市场互动机理分析

    Analysis on interaction mechanisms between the incremental market and the stock market of real estate

  5. 再次,规划布局要合理,合理发展房地产一级市场(住房增量市场)、二级市场(二手房市场)和三级市场(租赁市场)。

    Third , the layout should be reasonable . Develop the three levels real estate market , housing incremental market , the secondary market and rental market .

  6. 均衡时低端增量市场份额分布与运营商前期高端市场优势无关,而取决于其提供的用户效用水平。

    In equilibrium , low-end incremental market shares are independent of former high-end market shares distributed over both operators , only relative to the gain of customers .

  7. 住宅增量市场与存量市场是住宅市场的主要组成部分,两者运行状况直接影响整个住宅市场的发展。

    Incremental housing market and stock housing market are the main components of the housing market , the operation of two markets will directly affect the development of the housing market .

  8. 与协议出让方式相比,土地招拍挂出让通过促进土地市场的买方竞争、降低房地产增量市场的垄断性,在显化土地价格的同时,降低了地价对房价的影响程度。

    Compared with the selling means by reaching an agreement through consultations , the land bidding and auction selling policy helps to lower land price 's influence on housing price by way of improving the competition in land and real estate market .

  9. 基于同质面板因果检验的住宅增量与存量市场价格关系研究&以武汉市为例

    Analysis on Relationship of Housing Price between Incremental and Stock Market with Homogenous Non-Causality Test in Panel Data & A Case of Wuhan