
zēnɡ zī
  • capital increase;increase in capital;additional share
  1. 自3月份开始缴款以来,IMF已收到增资总额的95%。

    The fund has received 95 per cent of the total capital increase since payments began in March .

  2. IMF目前需要增资2500亿美元,以应对全球金融危机。

    It gives the IMF about a quarter of the $ 250 billion capital increase needed to fight the global financial crisis .

  3. 因此,从世界银行(worldbank)传来的消息是可喜的:成员国同意进行增资,让新兴国家在布雷顿森林体系的桌前稍微多拥有一点空间。

    So it is welcome that World Bank members have agreed a capital raise giving emerging countries a little more space at the Bretton Woods table .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)昨日获得了自1988年以来的首次普遍增资。作为回报,新兴市场国家获得了更多的投票权。

    The World Bank yesterday won the first general increase in its capital since 1988 in return for a shift of voting power towards emerging markets .

  5. imf增资为世界银行(worldbank)和imf的春季会议带来了一些可喜的行动感。

    The extra IMF resources brought a pleasing sense of activity to the spring meetings of the world bank and fund .

  6. 广东CF担保有限公司增资扩股商业计划书

    Bussiness Plan of Guangdong CF Guaranty Increase Capital and Enlarge Share Co. , Ltd

  7. imf的资金来自其成员国,这些成员国应当不至于太难满足增资请求。

    The IMF is funded by its Member States , which should not find it difficult to oblige .

  8. 接下来的焦点就是应该向IMF承诺增资几千亿欧元比较合适。

    The next preoccupation will be how many more hundreds of billions of euros should be pledged to the IMF .

  9. 奥巴马呼吁各成员国为imf增资,以帮助其对抗全球衰退。

    Mr Obama has called for member countries to beef up the IMF to help it combat the global downturn .

  10. IMF表示,欧元区国家近期承诺向其提供的大约2000亿美元,将构成这次增资的一部分。

    The IMF said that the recent eurozone pledge of about $ 200bn to the fund would form part of the increase .

  11. 恶性增资(EscalationofCommitment)是指企业对一个失败的投资项目继续投入资源的行为。

    In corporate finance field , Escalation of Commitment means a firm continues to invest additional resources in what appears to be a losing project .

  12. 它已向亚洲开发银行(adb)大幅增资,尤其是在全球金融危机之后。

    It has greatly increased its funding for the Asian Development Bank , especially since the global financial crisis .

  13. 国际货币基金组织主席ChristineLagarde周四宣称,该组织已收到超过3200亿美元的增资承诺。

    IMF chief Christine Lagarde announced Thursday that her group has received promises of over three hundred twenty billion dollars .

  14. 在可能要求银行增资的新规定出台之前,全球主要信用评级机构之一标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的一项研究报告,让人对一些大型银行的财务实力产生怀疑。

    A study by Standard Poor 's , one of the world 's leading credit rating agencies , has raised questions over the financial strength of some of the biggest banks ahead of new rules that could require them to raise more funds .

  15. 欧盟向国际货币基金组织(IMF)增资2000亿欧元,是迈向正确方向的一步,但其规模仍不足以缓解市场担忧。

    A € 200bn capital boost to the International Monetary Fund was a step in the right direction , but the amount is still not sufficient to alleviate market concerns .

  16. IMF的增资请求,不应被诠释为只是为了稳定欧洲主权债务市场,也不能与这方面的努力联系起来。

    The request for more funds for the IMF should not be presented as simply intended to stabilise European sovereign debt markets , nor can it be tied to such an effort .

  17. 根据研究论证将选择JFS公司作为引进公司进行增资扩股项目的实施。

    According to the research will choose JFS company as the implementation of the project to increase endowment spread .

  18. 在上周末G7和G20会议上,与会官员们就如何向国际货币基金组织增资1.1万亿美元的问题未能达成一致意见。

    At the G7 / G20 meeting this weekend , officials were unable to agree on how the much hyped $ 1.1trn funding boost to the IMF would be funded .

  19. SMCP首席执行官丹尼尔•拉隆德(DanielLalonde)在提交IPO登记声明时表示,上市将包括1.50亿至1.75亿欧元的增资。

    Daniel Lalonde , SMCP 's chief executive , said at the time of the IPO registration filing that the listing would include a capital increase of 150m - 175m .

  20. 面对希望中国能拿出一大笔资金帮助国际货币基金组织(imf)增资的要求,中国转而提出了用一种新国际储备货币取代美元的建议。

    In the face of calls for it to stump up a lot of money to help recapitalise the International Monetary Fund , China has instead launched a proposal to replace the US dollar with a new international reserve currency .

  21. 鉴于国际开发协会第15轮增资(IDA15)将于每年开始,他呼吁“增资额要与非洲人民的雄心壮志相匹配。”

    With IDA15 talks beginning next year , he called for " a replenishment that matches the ambitions of the African people . "

  22. (二)公司分配股利或者增资的计划;

    A company 's plan for distributing dividends and increasing capital ;

  23. 军人工资水平与增资机制分析

    The wage level of Armyman and the mechanism of wage increase

  24. 为了更广泛的开展业务,该行曾两次进行增资。

    To gain further development , the bank ever increased capitalization twice .

  25. 你可以给你的员工多增资、奖金、福利。

    You can give your employees more raises , bonuses and benefits .

  26. 万达将通过增资获得股份。

    Wanda will acquire its stake by way of a capital increase .

  27. 通过1999年增资的期货经公司名单。

    List for futures brokerage companies increasing registered capitals in1999 .

  28. 国有企业增资减债中的审计初探

    Auditing of Increasing Assets and Decreasing Liabilities in State - owned Enterprises

  29. 关于母公司放弃对子公司增资处理的探讨

    Discussion on Dealing with Capital Increase to Subsidiary Abandoned by Parent Company

  30. 论国家机关事业单位工作人员与企业职工相平衡的增资运行机制

    On balancing salary rise systems of the government organizations and industrial enterprises