
  • 网络Tombstone;zhǒng;zǒn
  1. 清泪洒不尽无数墓冢之外的范围。

    From every point of the compass out of the countless graves .

  2. 墓冢为李鸿章与赵氏夫人的合葬墓。

    Actually this is a joint tomb both for Li and his wife .

  3. 考古学家在调查这小山是否确实是墓冢。

    Archaeologists are investigating whether the small hill is really a burial mound .

  4. 当时死者的金发葬在墓冢。

    Before the golden tresses of the dead .

  5. 茱丽叶已经与她的祖先们一起长眠在卡布利特家族的墓冢里,她的灵魂已与天使同在。

    Juliet sleeps in the Capulet tomb with her ancestors and her soul is with the angels .

  6. 被害人的尸骨则被安葬在教堂墓地里一座漂亮的墓冢里了。

    The murdered man 's bones were laid to rest in a beautiful grave in the churchyard .

  7. 这些用来做墓冢,有时里面有几个墓室,存放人和动物的遗体及陶器。

    They were used as burial mounds and sometimes have several rooms inside containing human and animal remains and pottery .

  8. 墓园里的水池、墓碑以及墓冢都是用岛上盛产的白色大理石雕砌而成,造型典雅。

    Pool inside the cemetery , tombs , as well as mass graves on the island are rich with Diaoqi made of white marble , looks elegant .

  9. 只有那高高隆起的秦陵墓冢,如同一位饱经沧桑的历史见证人,向后人诉说着王朝盛衰交替的春秋。

    What is left is the main mausoleum itself , much like a historical witness who has been through much difficulty to tell the future generations of the rise and fall of empires .

  10. 根据中外史料记载和考古发现,南沙群岛部分岛礁上曾有中国渔民留下的作物、水井、房屋、庙宇、墓冢和碑刻等。

    Chinese and foreign historical literature as well as archaeological finds show that there were crops , wells , huts , temples , tombs and tablet inscriptions left by Chinese fishermen on some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao .