
  1. 在各大主要货币,将准备金要求加于境外存款在现代人听起来也许很奇怪。

    In major currencies , the notion that reserve requirements might be placed on offshore deposits sounds strange to modern ears .

  2. 我们得到结论,只要能维持资本管制,权威机构就可以能通过准备金要求单方面控制境外存款。

    We conclude that , as long as capital controls are maintained , the authorities can control offshore deposits unilaterally through reserve requirements .

  3. 这样,他们是否使得货币政策更加困难取决于境内中央银行能否将单边准备金要求加于境外存款。

    So , whether they made monetary policy more difficult depended on whether the home central bank can impose unilateral reserve requirements on offshore deposits .

  4. 因此,至少在过渡阶段,在这些货币中可以将货币监管延伸到境外存款。

    Thus , there is , at least in a transition period , scope for the extension of monetary control to offshore deposits in these currencies .

  5. 境外人民币存款规模不断扩大,很大一部分原因在于贸易结算。

    Renminbi deposits have accumulated offshore largely as a result of trade settlement .

  6. 国家工作人员在境外的存款,应当依照国家规定申报。

    Any State functionary shall , in accordance with State regulations , declare to the State his bank savings outside the territory of China .