
  • 网络Overseas Listing;oversea listing;cross-border listing
  1. 中国企业境外上市与公司治理研究

    A Study between the Overseas Listing and Corporate Governance of Chinese Enterprises

  2. 我国中小高新技术企业境外上市的战略选择

    The Strategic Choice of Chinese Mid and Small High Tech Enterprises ' Overseas Listing

  3. 我国企业境外上市研究:基于SWOT分析

    Research on Chinese Company Listing on Oversea Stock Market : By SWOT Analysis

  4. 自从2000年中国互联网企业第一次IPO以来,中国希望到境外上市的初创企业,一直通过设立VIE架构的离岸公司,绕开外资所有权限制。

    Since the first Chinese internet IPO in 2000 , Chinese start-ups wanting to list abroad have skirted ownership restrictions by setting up offshore companies known as VIEs .

  5. 成功境外上市可以为企业带来诸多方面的好处。

    Such a successful listing may bring many benefits for enterprises .

  6. 我国企业境外上市从1984年开始,但其真正的发展不足十年。

    In 1984 , the first Chinese company listed abroad .

  7. 境外上市监管的法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Issues of Regulation on Cross - Border Listing

  8. 中国企业境外上市动机辨析

    On the Motivation of Chinese Companies ' Listing Shares Abroad

  9. 其次介绍了境外上市的条件。

    Then we introduced the condition of listed on overseas stock markets .

  10. 关于境外上市外汇登记管理的范围。

    I.The scope of the administration on foreign exchange registration of overseas listing .

  11. 境外上市、治理环境与内部治理机制改进研究

    Research on Listing Overseas , Governance Environment and Improvement of Internal Governance Mechanism

  12. 国有大型企业境外上市研究

    The Overseas IPO of Chinese State-owned Large Enterprises

  13. 我国企业境外上市再融资效果的实证研究

    The re-financing effect of cross-listing on Chinese companies

  14. 第五章是民营企业境外上市动机的实证分析。

    Chapter five is the empirical analysis of motivation of overseas listing of private enterprises .

  15. 鉴于内地的资本管制,中国公民不能购买境外上市公司的股票。

    Chinese citizens can 't buy offshore shares because of the mainland 's capital controls .

  16. 中国企业境外上市的反思及策略建议

    Reflection on the Chinese Enterprises ' Overseas Listing and Strategies for Entering International Capital Markets

  17. 积极支持符合条件的大企业到境外上市。

    We should actively support eligible large enterprises to become listed on overseas stock markets .

  18. 民营企业境外上市中的羊群效应:临沂案例

    Herding Behavior of Private Enterprises Listing in Overseas Market : A Case Study from Linyi

  19. 我国商业银行境外上市的法律风险及其对策

    The Legal Risks and Countermeasures of China 's Commercial Banks Listed Shares on Oversea Markets

  20. 高新技术企业境外上市风险评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Evaluation Indicator System of Risk Factors during Going Public Oversea for High-Technological Enterprises

  21. 第5章对境外上市与公司治理作了相关的实证分析;

    Chapter 5 makes a practical research on the relation between overseas listing and corporate governance .

  22. 第4章从理论上分析境外上市如何对改善公司治理产生积极影响;

    Chapter 4 analyses theoretically how overseas listing exerts a positive influence in improving corporate governance .

  23. 境外上市是民营企业破解融资难题的有效手段。

    Overseas listing is an effective way to solve the financing problem for the private-owned enterprises .

  24. 外资股在境外上市的,称为境外上市外资股。

    Foreign capital shares which are listed overseas shall be called foreign capital shares listed overseas .

  25. 境外上市公司财务指标简述

    Financial Index of Listed Company Abroad

  26. 顾名思义,境外上市是跨国或者跨地区上市。

    As the name implies , overseas listing is listed on oversea stock markets or regional market .

  27. 外资并购与目标企业价值评估境外上市经济学

    Study on the valuation of target enterprises in Cross-border M & A The Economics of Cross-Border Listings

  28. 境外上市与企业国际化

    Listing Abroad and Firm Internationalization

  29. 在境外上市势不可挡的大背景下,这个问题已经迫在眉睫,亟待解决。

    In the context of overwhelming of overseas listing , this problem needs to be solved urgently .

  30. 我国完善风险投资退出机制的目标应该是逐步健全我国的资本市场体系,同时鼓励风险企业到境外上市;

    So the goal of perfect China 's EMVC should be to perfect capital market system gradually ;