
Seven years ago , at a small ceremony in Beijing , Nicole Yuen became the first foreigner to buy shares in China 's dominant A share market .
But Chinese people often criticize the women who become girlfriends or wives of foreigners .
Their work , like ours , requires them to engage in sensitive Internet communications with people outside the United States .
Foreign investors will be much bigger players in Chinese stock and bond markets , which are now largely closed to them .
He says the clampdown on foreign buying of residential property will definitely send money into commercial property , primarily the smaller single floor office market .
Overall , Shanghai packs a mean punch in terms of culture shock for anyone who is not Chinese - but less so than anywhere else on the mainland .
Hong Kong warned the European Union yesterday that it was extremely unlikely to agree to demands to provide information on the finances of foreigners suspected of trying to avoid tax .
Senator John McCain sponsored a bill that would require the Department of Homeland Security to look at internet activity and social media profiles of anyone seeking entry to the United States .
News that the disease has been found in travellers who had been in China comes as experts are watching closely for signs that the disease can be transmitted from person to person .
B shares , which are traded in US dollars in Shanghai and Hong Kong dollars in Shenzhen , were intended to be the main platform for foreigners seeking access to Chinese companies .
Mr Tsang also tightened criteria for foreigners applying for Hong Kong residency under an investment scheme , and announced that they would no longer be able to include real estate purchases to qualify .
Where applicants or candidates are foreigners , at least one of the nominators shall be the personnel as stipulatprovided in the measures , and the other nominator may be the senior management personofficer of the offshore securities-based institutions with whichwhere the applicants or candidates have ever worked .