
jī zhǐ
  • base address;base of a building
基址 [jī zhǐ]
  • (1) [footing;base]∶建筑物的底部,多指古时的建筑物留下的遗址

  • (2) [ruins]∶建筑物的遗迹

  • (3) [root]∶用来比

  1. 首先讲述PCI功能的配置空间、配置首部格式,以及如何快速获得PCI功能的配置空间内容,从而获得PCI功能寄存器基址,由此访问PCI功能寄存器,进行PCI功能软接口设计。

    The configuration space , configuration header region , and how to visit configuration header , how to get the base address of PCI function , are described in detail . Based on these , the PCI interface program can be quickly developed .

  2. 指定的基址或文件偏移量没有适当对齐。

    The base address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment .

  3. 我还没有看到PMD找不到任何问题的代码基址。

    I 've yet to see a code base that PMD couldn 't find some problems in .

  4. 但是,所有这些工具找出的bug各不相同,所以在给定代码基址上把这些工具都运行一遍很有好处。

    However , all of these tools tend to find different bugs , so it 's profitable to run each of them across any given code base .

  5. 可以在“高级编译器设置”对话框中设置dll基址属性,该对话框可以从“项目设计器”的“编译”页进行访问。

    The DLL base-address property can be set in the advanced compiler settings dialog box , accessible from the compile page of the project designer .

  6. 其次,给出了基于PCI9052的板卡的配置方法,包括地址范围寄存器、基址寄存器、与片选控制寄存器的配置。

    Secondly , the collocation method of the board was introduced , thus the configuration of address rage register , base register and chip selection control register was involved .

  7. 湖北潜江龙湾放鹰台Ⅰ号楚宫基址发掘简报

    Architectural Site of Chu Palace at Eagle-flying Platform in Qianjiang , Hubei

  8. 殷墟四合院式建筑基址考察

    On Building Base Site of Quadrangle in Yin Ruins

  9. 如果该基址处没有足够的空间可用,则系统将重定位程序。

    If sufficient space is not available there , the system relocates the program .

  10. 所描绘的建筑基址环境大多显示出清晰的风水格局;

    The paintings described foundation circumstances which mostly demonstrated the clear Feng Shui pattern ;

  11. 使用下表为此程序集的特定版本指定代码基址。

    Use the table below to specify codebases for specific versions of this assembly .

  12. 修改“随机基址”属性。

    Modify the randomized base address property .

  13. 清理出房屋基址、灰坑、墓葬、祭祀坑等。

    Housing-out of the site , Huikeng , burials , pits , and other offerings .

  14. 关于中国古代宫殿建筑群基址规模问题的探讨

    A Study of the Question of the Scope of Foundations for Palace Complexes in Ancient China

  15. 没有可以使用的基址。

    No base address is available .

  16. 城内发现的大型宫庙和廊庑式建筑基址,在同期龙山文化城址中也是十分罕见的。

    The large scale foundation sites such as palaces , temples and corridors were found here .

  17. 第二章研究宋画中的建筑与基址环境;第三章着重结合《营造法式》及实物对宋画中的建筑本体形态作重点研究,并分析建筑形态的环境成因;

    In second chapter the article studies the architecture and its circumstances in paintings of Song Dynasty .

  18. 页面目录基址寄存器

    Page directory base register

  19. 假如有三位开发人员正在使用代码段基址,而且他们使用的是本地的数据库。

    Imagine that three developers work on the code base and that they each use their local database .

  20. 在基指针寻址模式中,寄存器中保存的是基址,数字是偏移量。

    In base-pointer addressing mode , the register has the base address and the literal number has the offset .

  21. 最后,在索引寄存器间接寻址模式中,基址和索引都保存在寄存器中。

    Finally , in indexed register indirect addressing mode , both the base and the index are stored in registers .

  22. 这里的主要目的是使构建的两个客户机二进制文件具有不同的服务器库基址。

    The main aim here is to build two client binaries that have distinct base addresses for the server library .

  23. 城隍庙是吴山上最大的神庙,仿宫殿式建筑,基址可寻。

    The City God Temple is Heavenly 's largest temple , Palace building , the base address is to be found .

  24. 城中发现了大型宫殿基址和大型廊庑式建筑,在中原地区龙山时代城址中都十分罕见。

    The large-sized palace foundation and the construction surrounded with porches are very few in the walled sites of that time .

  25. 基址跟系统中的另一个设备有冲突。重新配置适配器和软件来使用不同的基址。

    The base address conflicts with another device in the system . Reconfigure the adapter and software to use a different base address .

  26. 当基址不为区域基址且已指定0的区域大小时,无法释放虚拟内存。

    Virtual memory cannot be freed as base address is not the base of the region and a region size of zero was specified .

  27. 根据《京华时报》报道,近日,北京故宫内发现了明代(1368-1644年)早期宫殿建筑基址。

    The foundations of early Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) palace buildings have been found at Beijing 's Forbidden City , Beijing Times reported .

  28. 都城的中心是殷王的宫殿区,坐落在洹河南岸,已发现各种宫殿基址56座。

    Metro City is the center of the Yin Wang Palace , located in Henan Yuan coast , has found that all56 sites of palaces .

  29. 明月坝唐宋寺庙基址的发现为了解这一时期的民间宗教信仰提供了十分难得的材料。

    The tem ˉ ple site of Mingyue dam provides precious materials to the study on the folk religion belief of the Tang ˉ Song Dynasties .

  30. 揭露出东周楚宫殿基址的一、二、三层台主体建筑及其附属建筑遗迹。出土了一大批建筑遗物和铜、陶质生活器皿。

    Besides the main and annex buildings of a three-floor Chu palace dated to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , constructing fittings and bronze and pottery vessels were found .