
  • 网络IN THE CITY;city story;story of a city;Tales of the City
  1. 城市故事与城市特色形象

    City story and characteristic city image

  2. 研究了城市故事空间的系统性、多元性、深层性和差异性,强调对自然生态系统、人类历史文化以及市民空间行为的重视。

    With the study of the systematism , pluralism , deepness and otherness of the city story , the author emphasizes the recognition of natural ecosystem , human history and culture as well as the civic space behavior .

  3. 《城市故事》的第一、二集将于星期二两集连播。

    Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday .

  4. 城市故事论&一种后现代城市设计的建构性思维

    On urban story & a constructive conception of urban design of postmodernism

  5. 世纪末的城市故事

    Urban Stories at the Closing of the 20th Century

  6. 王安忆的《长恨歌》写了一个城市故事。

    It is a story that took place in a city in Wang 's Song of Eternal Sorrow .

  7. 提出了以城市故事的概念来建立一种后现代城市设计的建构性思维,分析了城市意义要素类型和营构特性,论述了城市的整体生态价值以及环境的公正价值观;

    Analyzing the types and characteristics of the elements of city sense , this paper discusses a kind of constructive ideation in postmodern urban design through the conception of urban story , pursuing the ecological understandings and values of the city as well as the equitable valuation of environment .

  8. 《特纳之家》(TheTurnerHouse),安吉拉·弗洛诺伊(AngelaFlournoy)著,(HoughtonMifflinHarcourt出版社,23美元)。这部小说引人入胜,以处女小说而言格外成熟,讲述一个非裔美国家庭的故事,同时也是底特律这座城市的故事。

    THE TURNER HOUSE . By Angela Flournoy . ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt , $ 23 . ) The African-American family story told in this engrossing , remarkably mature first is also a story of the city of Detroit .

  9. 上面讲的两个城市的故事并非完全编造。

    The tales of two cities given above is not entirely fictitious .

  10. 城市民间故事并非总是基于真实的人。

    D.Urban folk tales are not always based on real people . D.

  11. 我一直以为只是城市里故事而已。

    I always thought that was an urban legend .

  12. 该片的背景设定在法国的一个虚构城市,故事围绕着一群美国记者展开。

    The setting is a fictional city in France , among American journalists .

  13. 这个伟大城市的故事关乎她在今夜之前的既往岁月以及她在今夜之后的必将与成就相伴的未来。

    The story of this great city is about the years before this night , and the years of success that will surely follow it .

  14. 从女人与大城市的故事中,我们可以看到女人的漂泊史、沧桑史,也可看到两位女主人公性格上的缺陷。

    Although the two heroines had different ending , from their story , we may come to realize their wandering life and vicissitudes as well as defects in their characters .

  15. 每篇爱情小说都以各自城市为故事背景,以“城市”主题标签,更好的贴进全国读者的阅读习惯。

    Each love story is set in the city it occurs . With " cities " as the theme tag , the stories are easier to be accepted by readers in the country .

  16. 这些成功的城市化故事中最为引人注意的当属中国南部的城市了,所在地区以外的人大多没有听说过这些城市的名字,因为20年前它们只是几个村庄而已。

    Among the most striking of these urban success stories are cities in southern China that most people outside the region have never heard of because they were collections of villages just 20 years ago .

  17. 展馆被布置的就像一个有三个章节的童话:丹麦城市的故事,丹麦人的故事,以及丹麦将如何依靠科技应对未来城市生活中存在的问题的故事。

    It is arranged like a fairy tale in three chapters : the story of Danish cities , the story of the Danish people and the story of Danish technology and solutions for future urban living .

  18. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。

    Story : a mermaid , yi , came to a city to live .

  19. 为有尊严的生活而斗争就是闪光城市的真实故事。

    That struggle to live with dignity is the real story of the shining city .

  20. 在她众多的风格和题材各异的作品中,一部反映城市青年爱情故事的作品&《桃花灿烂》唤起了读者的强烈审美意象。

    In the different works of her numerous styles and subjects , a work which reflects the love story of the city youth & " The Peach Blossom is Magnificent " arouses readers ' strong aesthetic image .

  21. 巴卢和钱伯斯-普利斯正在拓展这一观众市场&美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)在十几个城市举行的每月故事大赛TheMoth、CreativeMornings和TedX大会的观众。

    Ballew and chambers-price are tapping into the kind of audience that shows up for the moth , the NPR monthly story-slams staged in a dozen cities , creative mornings , and tedx conferences .

  22. 他详尽地讲述了关于那些乡镇、城市和居民的故事。

    He told the story about those country , city and resident in detail .

  23. 一座城市和水的故事

    The story of a city and water

  24. 这是一个关于一个武术社团在厌倦政府的提议后建立自己城市基础建设的故事。

    The story of martial arts clubs who have created their own city infrastructure after tiring of government initiatives .

  25. 恶魔岛是旧金山最著名的地标之一,但是这个曾经的最高安全级别监狱也是这座城市最灵异鬼故事的发祥地。

    Most Haunted Place : Alcatraz Alcatraz Island is one of San Francisco 's most famous landmarks , but the former maximum-security prison is also home to some of the city 's weirdest ghost stories .

  26. 一座城市的历史,一座城市的故事,离不开一座城市的老建筑。

    History of a city and stories of a city is inseparable from the old buildings .

  27. 在上述两座城市,魏纳与当地专家(学者、导游和艺术家)交流,让他们概述其城市成功故事的要素。

    In each city , Weiner speaks with local experts - academics , tour guides , artists - and asks them to pr é cis the elements of their city 's success story .

  28. 本土文化城市道路景观设计的提出,将进一步促进现代城市道路景观设计的发展,合理传承和弘扬城市本土文化,构建生态文化城市、生动体现城市自己的故事。

    Indigenous culture made urban landscape design , will further promote the development of modern urban landscape design , reasonable local cultural heritage and promote the city to build eco-cultural city , a vivid manifestation of the city their own stones .