
  • 网络city inn
  1. 实施客户战略,维持城市客栈与客户的良好关系。那客店的光景并不好。

    Responsible for actualize the clientele strategic ; maintain the upstanding relationship between the City Inn hotel and the client .

  2. 审核和批准所有的法律合同和参与公司经营中的所有法律事项,包括新管理合同的签署和城市客栈项目。

    Reviews and approves all legal contracts and attends to all legal matters in the company 's operations , include in new management contract and City Inn project .

  3. 旅行的业主门在旅途中支持这些家乡式的城市客栈。

    Travelling merchants supported these home-town inns where they stayed in their travels .

  4. 建立公司的财务制度与程序手册,公司管理的酒店和城市客栈应遵照执行。

    Maintain Company 's Finance policy and procedures manuals , All the hotel and City in managed by the Company shall comply with .