
chéng yuán
  • city wall
城垣 [chéng yuán]
  • [city wall] [古]∶城池的墙垣

城垣[chéng yuán]
  1. 20世纪北京城垣的变迁

    The Evolution of the City Wall at Beijing in the 20th Century

  2. 北京城垣在北京都城建筑史上占有独特的地位。

    The city wall of Beijing is very significant in the history of its urban construction .

  3. 陵墓的周围筑有两重城垣。

    The tomb was surrounded with two walls .

  4. 如果它的城垣低,战壕浅,守备弱,就能攻下来了。

    If the wall is low , the moats shallow , and the defenses weak then it can be taken .

  5. 20世纪北京城垣的变迁以北京市元大都城垣遗址公园应急避难所作为实例,计算表明,这种方法具备一定的实用性和科学性。

    The Evolution of the City Wall at Beijing in the 20th Century Calculation examples indicate that the method is scientific and practicable .

  6. 那一片黑压压的森林,如城垣一般坚不可摧,也缓缓地被日光融化成灰色,广阔的水域也渐渐清晰,映入眼帘;

    the solid walls of the black forest soften to grey , and vast stretches of the river open up and reveal themselves ;

  7. 他派犹太士兵在堡垒里驻守,为了国家与城邑的安全,还巩固了这座堡垒,更加高耶路撒冷的城垣。

    And he placed therein Jews for the defence of the country , and of the city , and he raised up the walls of Jerusalem .

  8. 房屋终于跳越了菲利浦&奥古斯都圈定的城垣,兴高彩烈地在平原上四散开了,就像逃犯一样,混乱不堪,到处乱窜。

    The houses finally leap the wall of Philip augustus , and scatter joyfully over the plain , without order , and all askew , like runaways .

  9. 到了十六世纪,乍一看城垣好象后退了,益发深入到旧城里面,因为城外一座新城已经很可观了。

    In the sixteenth , it seems to retreat visibly , and to bury itself deeper and deeper in the old city , so thick had the new city already become outside of it .

  10. 并指出沙洲演变与港口变迁及商业市集贸易、南北两岸岸线及城垣堤防之间的关系,以及由此导致的东西两岸在经济利益和城垣堤防上的矛盾和冲突等一系列问题。

    The paper also indicated a series problems such as the relations between the evolvement of sandbanks and the vicissitude of ports , trade , riverside , the embankments of Wuchang city and Hanyang city , conflicts between the two area on economic benefit , and etc.

  11. 1998~1999年南京市明城垣史博物馆对安徽省繁昌县明代采石场及城砖烧制遗址进行了实地调查,为深入研究明代城砖烧制技术、城砖运输等问题提供了可贵的资料。

    From 1998 to 1999 , Nanjing Municipal Museum of Ming City Wall has carried out an on-the-spot investigation of the quarry and brickkiln ruins and thus got some precious data for the further studies of the making crafts and the transport of Ming city wall bricks .