
  1. 北京城市中轴线的历史研究

    A study on the history of the central axis in Beijing

  2. 历史保护与延续的脉&昆明市传统的城市中轴线

    The protection and sustaining of the axis in the old city of Kunming

  3. 历史·风景·街市·生活&广州传统城市中轴线概念城市设计

    The conceptual urban design for Guangzhou traditional central axis

  4. 据介绍,中轴线是古都北京的中心标志,也是世界上现存最长的城市中轴线。

    It is introduced that the axis , the central mark of the ancient capital of Beijing , is the existing longest urban central axis in the world .

  5. 打造城市的中轴线&以宜昌市为例

    Creating the City 's Central Axis , Taking Yichang City for Instance

  6. 北京奥林匹克公园作为对北京城市以中轴线为特色的建筑美学之自然延伸,是北京城市美学的重要组成部分。

    The Beijing Olympics Park as natural extension to the Beijing city which takes the axes line as its construction esthetical characters is an important constituent of the Beijing city esthetics .

  7. 道路的主干道为城市的中轴线,城内主要的宫殿、宗庙建筑分布于中轴线两侧,其他各类建筑散布于其他各处。

    The major trunk roads were the central axis of the city . The great palaces and temples were distributed along the two sides of the central axis , while other various buildings scattered in other parts .

  8. 福州城市历史文化中轴线是福州古城的核心。

    The historic central axis in Fuzhou is the core of Fuzhou ancient city .

  9. 福州八一七路是福州城市发展史的中轴线,是传统商业街,是生活性综合主干道。

    In Fuzhou city history , ba yi qi road is a pivot , a traditional shopping street , and a life comprehend avenue .

  10. 线位处于西安城市南北向的中轴线,是西安城市南北向最重要的交通通道,承担着区域交通和城市内部交通的双重功能。

    The line locate in city central axis and is the most important traffic pass way of Xi ' an from north to south , undertaking double function on the regional traffic and the traffic inside of the city .

  11. 泉城特色风貌带是历史文化和自然文化经过历史积淀而成的城市文脉,是城市中轴线和风景视廊。

    Spring City characteristic belt is the natural and cultural deposition along history , and it is Jinan 's axis and landscape corridor .

  12. 珠江新城地处广州的城市中心区,位于广州新城市中轴线中心,紧邻珠江,区位优势明显。

    Guangzhou Pearl River New City is a new city center , located in the central axis of Guangzhou New City Center , close to the Pearl River , which is in obvious advantages .