
  • 网络Egyptian history;history of Egypt
  1. 帕特里西雅是西澳大利亚古埃及学派的负责人,她在那里讲授埃及历史和象形文字。

    Patricia is an Executive of the Ancient Egypt Society of Western Australia , where she lectures on Egyptian history and teaches hieroglyphics .

  2. 托勒密王朝在经济上对埃及历史所起的作用

    The Economic Role of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the History of Egypt

  3. 这22具木乃伊中包括在位时间最长的拉姆西斯二世国王,以及埃及历史上为数不多的女法老哈谢普苏特。

    The ancient royals who were on the move included Ramses II , the longest reigning pharaoh , and Queen Hatshepsut , one of Egypt 's few female pharaohs .

  4. 首先是WessamElmeligi:这是埃及历史上最光荣的革命之一。

    Ours is one of the most honorable revolutions in history .

  5. 我39岁就光荣赴死,成了埃及历史上最后一位法老。

    At the age of39 I died in honor and was the last Pharaoh of Egypt .

  6. 汤普森教授痴迷地研究古埃及历史已有20多年。

    Professor Thompson has been obsessed with the history of ancient Egypt for more than twenty years .

  7. 在古埃及历史上,修改和涂掉刻字是常见现象,在这种情况下,就会产生一些看上去奇怪的符号。

    Modifying and defacing inscriptions was common in ancient Egypt 's history , and in this case yielded some strange-looking results .

  8. 这是埃及历史上短暂辉煌的时期,是法老阿肯纳坦和他美丽的妻子奈菲提提统治下发生划时代变革的时期。

    It was a brief , shining moment in Egypt 's history & a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti .

  9. 本文试图以托勒密王朝商品经济的发展为中心来分析评价托勒密王朝在经济上对埃及历史的作用。

    This paper centers on the development of commodity economy of the Ptolemy dynasties to analyze and evaluate the economic role of the Ptolemy Dynasties in the history of Egypt .

  10. 埃及的历史很复杂。

    The history of Egypt is very complex .

  11. 从古代埃及的历史发展过程来看,主要出现过以下几种类型:①私人学校。

    From the historical process of ancient Egypt , we can see the types bellows : ① Private school .

  12. 但是,埃尔法迪尔兄弟尽管不掩饰他们确有雄心壮志,却把自己更多地定位在埃及及其历史环境中。

    But the ElFadeel brothers while not shy about their ambitions see themselves more in the context of Egypt and its history .

  13. 埃及的历史不仅有着拥有众多遗迹,各种宝物,而且也有着相同众多的被掠夺,为此埃及不得不竭尽全力的去找回被偷走的宝物。

    With a history equally rich in antiquities and the looting of said antiquities , Egypt is exhaustive in its attempts to recover stolen artifacts .

  14. SandraEndo解释为什么埃及要学习历史,看看事情会何去何从。

    Sandra Endo explains why Egypt should study history to see where things might go from here .

  15. 古埃及是人类历史上最神秘的文明之一。

    Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history .

  16. 埃及金字塔的历史可以追溯到公元前3000年。

    The history of the pyramids in Egypt dates back to about 3.000 B.C.

  17. 地理环境对上古埃及和希腊历史发展的影响

    The Effects of Geographical Conditions on the History Development of Ancient Egypt and Greece

  18. 古埃及是建筑历史的第一章,是人类历史上重要的建筑美学体系。

    Ancient Egyptian is the first chapter of architecture history , also it is the important aesthetic system in human history .

  19. 本文首次对一部犹太古典戏剧《领出去》予以评介,认为这是一部雄浑、悲壮、自豪而充满自信的历史剧,它艺术地展现了以色列人出埃及事件的历史意义;

    This article reviews a Jewish classical drama Leading Out for the first time , and concludes that it is a powerful , stirring and profound Greek classical dramas , especially Athenian tragedies .

  20. 古埃及文明在人类历史发展中扮演了非常重要的角色。

    Ancient Egyptian culture played an important role in human history .

  21. 埃及是一个历史悠久的古国。

    Egypt is an ancient country with a long history .

  22. 古代埃及年代学中的历史分期问题辨析

    An analysis on the problem of period division in the chronology of ancient Egypt

  23. 古代埃及的年代学与历史分期

    Chronology and Periodization of Ancient Egypt

  24. 演讲结束后,他前往开罗郊区参观金字塔。这是他对处于阿拉伯世界中心的埃及首都的漫长历史的首肯。

    After the address , he headed to the outskirts of the city to see the pyramids-a nod to the Egyptian capital 's long history at the heart of the Arab world .

  25. 创建于19世纪20年代的埃及学,是一门研究古代埃及历史与文化的综合性学科。

    Egyptology founded in the 1820s is a comprehensive discipline of studying the history and culture in ancient Egypt .

  26. 王朝时期的埃及,即法老埃及,是古代埃及历史的主体。

    Egypt of Pharaohs , namely Egypt under the rule of dynasties , is the mainstream in the history of Ancient Egypt .

  27. 它们本质上与当前埃及复杂微妙的局势相关:埃及正在进行历史性的革命转型。

    They are intrinsically related to the delicate conditions under which Egypt is navigating its historic revolutionary transition .

  28. 到埃及看那座座金字塔和人面狮像,了解埃及古老的历史和灿烂的文化。

    Arrive Egypt see that pyramid and human face lion be like , understanding Egypt ancient history and brilliant of culture .

  29. 声音3:“罗塞塔石碑是大英博物馆的重要展品之一,但它对埃及具有更重要的意义。罗塞塔石碑是埃及民族和历史身份的重要组成部分,但却被可耻且秘密地带出了埃及。”

    Voice 3 : " The Rosetta stone is one of the most important pieces in the British Museum , but it is more important for Egypt . It is an important piece of our Egyptian national and historical identity and was shamefully and secretly taken out of the country . "

  30. 埃及的早期现代化在本质上是一次西方化进程,它对埃及的历史发展产生了积极和消极两个方面的重要影响。

    In fact , the early modernization was a westernization . It brought Egypt positive and negative effect .