
diàn zī
  • advance money for sb.
  1. 垫资施工对施工企业的危害及对策

    The Damages of Pay-in Construction to Building companies and Countermeasures

  2. 如投标压价、垫资承包、层层分包等现象时有发生。

    Tender prices down , underwritten contracting layers of sub-phenomena have occurred .

  3. 垫资通俗的来说类似民间高利贷。

    Mat endowment is similar to popular folk usury .

  4. 并就以承包商垫资作为工程业主融资手段及政府工程利用优惠转移作为担保手段等与业主支付担保机制相关的问题进行论述。

    A new financing method and the favor transfer of government project are mentioned .

  5. 政府垫资建设输变电项目管理模式的实践

    Practice of Management Mode for Transmission and Distribution Project Construction Funded in Advance by Government

  6. 建设工程垫资问题的相关讨论

    Relevant Discussion on Loaning Capitals for Projects

  7. 但是垫资业务是最近几年刚刚兴起的行业,还存在很大的漏洞。

    But mat endowment business is just emerging in recent years , there are a lot of loopholes .

  8. 对建设工程承包合同垫资承包的法律认识建设工程合同索赔成因及承包商对策

    On lawful cognition of contracting with funds in architectural engineering Study on Causes of Construction Contract Claims and Contractor 's Countermeasures

  9. 浅析建筑工程带资承包的法律规避垫资施工对施工企业的危害及对策

    Analysis on Lawful Elusion of Contracting with Own Capital in Construction Engineering The Damages of Pay-in Construction to Building companies and Countermeasures

  10. 第二,明确垫资承包(施工)的合法性,使专用于工程建设的垫资款作为工程款受到法律明确保护。

    Secondly , make clear the legitimacy of contracting and fill up money which special used for construction project as project fund to safeguard explicitly .

  11. 建议稳定和扩大政府投资来源,鼓励集体经济组织、农民个人垫资投劳,并运用激励机制筹集社会资金。

    Suggesting stabilizing and expanding the government investment source , encouraging collective economic organizations and investment by peasants as well as raising social funds by incentive mechanism .

  12. 普通借款自合同签订之日便生效,而垫资借款则以实际形成垫资为成立条件。

    The day that average loan signs from the contract become effective , and mat endowment loan establishs a condition with forming mat endowment actually to be .

  13. 国内工程建设领域的垫资承包问题起源于国内建筑行业市场经济制度的建立和建筑企业市场地位的确立。

    The phenomenon of contracting with fund in domestic construction field started from the establishment of the market economy system and the market status of the construction enterprises .

  14. 垫资承包现象有其存在的必然性与合理性,禁止和压制并非是解决垫资承包问题的有效途径,通过有效的方法进行约束和引导,垫资承包是可以发挥积极作用的。

    The existence of the phenomenon of contracting with fund has its rationality and inevitability . Forbidding is not an effective method to solve the question of contracting with fund .

  15. 这时候不少着急用钱的借款人已按捺不住,欲寻找短期融资方式,于是垫资业务在众多短期融资方式中脱颖而出。

    At that time many borrowers have to succumb to worry the money , looking for short-term financing , So the mat endowment business in many short-term financing " stand out " .

  16. 堵不如疏&浅析施工企业如何应对工程垫资现象最初进出事故现场的通道全被拥挤的救援单位的车辆堵塞了。

    " Direction " rather than " Blockage " - Brief Analysis of Proper Dealing with Advanced Payment Made by Construction Enterprises ; Initially the access to the accident scene became completely congested with response vehicles .

  17. 垫资,是指按照工程项目的资金情况,工程项目对外付款大于项目已收款或者应收款合计所形成的代垫支出的资金。

    Mat endowment , it is to point to according to the funding of the project , the project payment is greater than the project has been formed by payment or receivable total generation advance expenditure of funds .

  18. 相对于银行的贷款业务来说,垫资的风险是很大的,垫资一般是民间的行为,只考虑短期经济利益而忽略对借款人资格的严审,会导致风险比较高。

    Relative to the bank loan business , mat endowment risk is very big , mat endowment is folk behavior in general , Only consider the short-term economic interests while ignoring scrutiny on borrowers qualifications , can lead to higher risk .