
diàn céng
  • cushion;bed course;packing;undercourse
垫层[diàn céng]
  1. 公路改建土质路基垫层设置的必要性

    The Necessity of Subgrade Bed Course Installation for Highway Reconstruction Soil

  2. 高寒阴湿地区特殊的气候条件下,填隙碎石垫层和石灰土结构层是防治路基冻胀翻浆的有效技术措施。

    In the high cold wet zone , using fill gap macadam bed course or lime stabilized soil base course can prevent mud boil availably . Preventing roads from water damage and artificial complications , and fathering roads hazards with colligate measures .

  3. 利用CO2作为地下储气库垫层气的可行性研究

    Availability Study of Carbon Dioxide as Cushion Gas for Underground Gas Storage

  4. 用CO2作垫层气的混气机理及运行控制的可行性

    Gas mixing mechanism taking co_2 as cushion gas and feasibility of operation control

  5. 公路桥头路基EPS垫层的隔振分析

    Analysis of EPS Cushion on Bridge Head Embankment of Highway

  6. 因此,由本研究结果中显示,Pt垫层是一极具潜力之焊点垫层材料。

    Hence these results showed that the Pt pad had a potential to be applied for solder joints .

  7. 垫层对CFG桩复合地基影响的分析

    Analyzing the Influence of Cushion in CFG Pile Composite Foundation

  8. CFG桩垫层效应研究

    The Study of Cushion Influence on CFG piles

  9. PCC桩复合地基褥垫层作用数值分析

    Numerical analysis on cushion in PCC pile composite foundation

  10. 该污水管采用HDPE双壁波纹管,砂砾垫层基础,U型橡胶圈接口。

    This sewage pipeline uses HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe , sandy gravel stratum foundation and U-type rubber washer joint .

  11. 作为高速铁路无碴轨道的弹性垫层,CA砂浆性能的好坏对轨道结构的安全性和耐久性有着极其重要的影响。

    As the elastic cushion of slag-less slab track in the high-speed railway , the performance of cement asphalt mortar is crucial to the durability and safety of slab track .

  12. 主要采用的软基处理方法有换土垫层法、强夯置换法及CFG桩复合地基。

    The main treatments method are the replacement method , the dynamic consolidation replacement method and the cement fly-ash gravel pile method .

  13. 采用CO2作地下储气库垫层气,既可节省沉积资金,又可实现碳隔离储存,减少温室效应。

    It can save the aggradations cost , realize the deposits of carbon sequestration and reduce the greenhouse effect to use CO_2 as the cushion gas of underground gas storage .

  14. CFG桩复合地基沉降随荷载、垫层厚度的增大而增大;

    Some valuable conclusions are made as follows : ( 1 ) The settlement of CFG pile composite foundation increases along with the improving of load and cushion thickness ;

  15. 在软基处理中提出根据软基厚度选择换填垫层法、抛石挤淤法和打振动沉管CFG桩法进行施工,并且经过一段周期的观测,发现沉降基本满足要求。

    Made in soft ground treatment of soft base under the cushion thickness choice for filling method , riprap agent overwhelmed France and playing Vibro CFG pile method of construction .

  16. 从对CA砂浆(水泥-沥青砂浆)垫层的要求出发,比较国产和日本的CA砂浆性能,阐述CA砂浆及专用乳化沥青的关键技术。

    Based on the requirement of Concrete-Asphalt mortar ( CA mortar ) cushion , this paper presents the key technologies of CA mortar and emulsified asphalt by comparing the performance and the properties of CA mortar made in China and in Japan .

  17. 在比较复杂地基条件下,采用TG土工塑料复合加筋带砂石垫层施工技术,可以保证地基均匀沉降,避免对高层建筑工程质量造成影响。

    Abstract In comparable complex ground condition , applying the constructing technique of sand and rock pad layers filled with TG type plastic , the ground can produce uniform subsidence and avoid its influence on the high building .

  18. 本文在对CFG桩土垫层相互作用进行分析的基础上,从理论上建立了CFG桩复合地基桩土应力比的求解公式及适合CFG桩复合地基的加固区沉降计算公式。

    In the thesis , on the grounds of analysis for CFG pile soil cushion interaction , theoretical formulas of calculating pile-soil stress ratio of CFG pile Composite foundation and settlement are established .

  19. 利用人工砂,垫层厚度2m,在较大的面积上作砂垫层施工,经试验、论证,充分的准备,精心的施工,严格的工艺,半年多时间完成了质量达到优良的砂垫层项目

    The construction of large sized sand blanket by utilizing 2m thick artificial aggregate cushion was successfully completed within half an year with high quality , as a result of careful examination , testing , full preparation and strict construction process

  20. 首先介绍了桥上轨道结构的减振及隔振垫层原理,然后利用ansys建立在移动荷载作用下桥上轨道结构振动模型,并以外部激励的形式输入轨道不平顺。

    The paper described the vibration reducing of track structure on bridge and principle of track pads firstly . And then a vibration model of track structure on bridge is established under the function of moving load by using ANSYS , inputting irregularities of track in forms of external excitation .

  21. 运用弹塑性力学知识,同时考虑地基土、碎石桩、CFG桩和垫层四者的相互作用,推导出了比较切合实际的上部结构动工后组合桩复合地基的沉降计算公式。

    Displacement formula for composite foundation of composite piles is derived by considering the coaction of foundation soil , broken stone pile , CFG pile and bedding cushion and by applying the theory of elastic-plastic mechanics , which is proper for superstructure being constructed .

  22. 根据太沙基基本理论,详细地讨论了CFG桩复合地基褥垫层作用机理,并推导出CFG桩复合地基最佳桩间距、合理褥垫层厚度、桩土应力比、实际置换率的解析表达式。

    Based on Terzaghis consolidation theory the mechanism of cushion for CFG-pile composite foundation is discussed in detail ; and on this way the optimum space between piles , the thickness of cushion , the pile-soil stress ratio and the actual ratio of replacement are deduced .

  23. 事件A和事件B的实用结果表明:当地表冲击速度为3.45m/s和4.8m/s时,砂垫层组合隔离系统和隔离床系统的冲击隔离系数分别为11.69%和12.05%。

    Results show that when the ground surface velocities are 3 . 45m / sand 4 . 8m / s , the isolating coefficients of the sand mat and the isolating bed are 11 . 69 % and 12.05 % respectively .

  24. 地下水位上升将降低地基土承载力特征值fa和软弱下卧层地基承载力特征值faz,并影响到地基换土垫层的处理设计;

    When water rises , the characteristic value f_a of subgrade bear capacity and the characteristic value f_ ( az ) of subgrade bear capacity of weak underlying stratum will decrease , and the design of ground cushion treatment will be influenced .

  25. 垫层的最佳厚度为0.2~0.5m,垫层的最佳压缩模量为30~100MPa,这与目前工程上常用的垫层厚度和垫层模量相符;

    Synthesis analysis indicates that the best cushion thickness is 0.2 ~ 0.5 m and the best compression modulus of the cushion is 30 ~ 100 MPa . This cushion thickness corresponds with the thickness used in engineering .

  26. 为保证施工质量,在粉喷桩三角形布桩的中心打设塑料排水板,并铺设50cm厚砂垫层,进行超载预压,取得了较好的工程效果,为类似工程提供了可借鉴的方法

    In order to ensure the quality of construction , we drived a prefabricated drains in the center of every three jet-powder piles , layed 50 cm thick sand on the surface , and preloaded , the result is satisfactory

  27. 再生骨料可用于地基加固、低等级道路的级配垫层等部位,设计强度等级不宜高于C20,若需配制较高强度等级的混凝土,还应经相应试验,以验证其质量。

    Reclaimed aggregate could be used to strengthen foundation or used as base course for low grade highway etc. The design strength of it should not be higher than C20.If necessary to make concrete batch of higher strength , correspondent experiment shall be made to examine the quality .

  28. 黑河大坝上游围堰防渗膜垫层料试验研究

    Bedding stuff test research for the upstream cofferdam in Heihe dam

  29. 换填法垫层最小厚度的直接计算法

    Direct Calculation of the Minimum Thickness of Cushion with Filling Replacement

  30. 试论砂和砂石垫层在地基加固处理中的应用

    The application of sand and sand-gravel cushion in foundation reinforcement treatment