
chuí zhí wěi yì
  • vertical fin
  1. KJ8602A以在垂直尾翼顶端、两个翼尖和前机身下的几个外部安装天线为特征。

    The KJ8602A features several external antennae mounted on the vertical fin tip , both wingtips , and underneath the forward fuselage .

  2. 武装直升机垂直尾翼的初步设计

    Preliminary Design Consideration for vertical Fin of Armed Helicopter

  3. 飞机垂直尾翼的非线性结构设计

    Non - linear design of the vertical-tail of a plane

  4. 侧滑的飞机在垂直尾翼上引起侧力。

    The sideslipping airplane gives rise to a side force on the vertical tail .

  5. 垂着的尾巴立即竖起来,晃动着。飞机的垂直尾翼部分的稳定器。

    A stabilizer that is part of the vertical tail structure of an airplane .

  6. 通过确定主要受力构件,对传力进行分析,对垂直尾翼结构进行了有限元分析,得出了垂直尾翼应力和位移的数值结果。

    By analyzing main loaded components and force transferring , the spatial displacements and three-dimensional stresses are calculated .

  7. 基于三维有限元数值分析,对飞机的重要部件垂直尾翼进行结构设计。

    Based on the three-dimensional nonlinear finite element method , the structural design is made on the vertical-tail of a plane in this paper .

  8. 飞机垂直尾翼的持续涡流载荷会导致垂直尾翼的疲劳损伤,影响飞行器的飞行性能和飞行安全,因此对尾翼进行振动主动控制是非常有必要的。

    Continuous vortex load on the aircraft vertical tail may lead to fatigue damage , even affect the performance of the aircraft and the safety of flight . Therefore , it is significant to control the vibration of the vertical tail .

  9. 60年代末期以来,美国陆军根据越南战争的经验,对武装直升机垂直尾翼的设计提出了更严格的要求,以便确保在尾桨失效后直升机能安全着陆或返回。

    Since the late 1960 's , US Army , following the experience in Vietnam , Puts forword more strict requirements for vertical fin design of armed helicopter in order to ensure it fly back safely after suffering tail rotor loss .

  10. 为了改善其横向稳定性,设计了两种复合材料夹层板,将其安装在垂直尾翼下面,并进行了一系列的飞行试验来研究安装伸出的垂直嵌板的效果。

    To improve the lateral stability , two types of composite sandwich panel have been designed and attached to the vertical tail of Velocity-173 . A series of flight test has been performed to measure the effects of the extended vertical tail .