- vertical fin

The KJ8602A features several external antennae mounted on the vertical fin tip , both wingtips , and underneath the forward fuselage .
Preliminary Design Consideration for vertical Fin of Armed Helicopter
Non - linear design of the vertical-tail of a plane
The sideslipping airplane gives rise to a side force on the vertical tail .
A stabilizer that is part of the vertical tail structure of an airplane .
By analyzing main loaded components and force transferring , the spatial displacements and three-dimensional stresses are calculated .
Based on the three-dimensional nonlinear finite element method , the structural design is made on the vertical-tail of a plane in this paper .
Continuous vortex load on the aircraft vertical tail may lead to fatigue damage , even affect the performance of the aircraft and the safety of flight . Therefore , it is significant to control the vibration of the vertical tail .
Since the late 1960 's , US Army , following the experience in Vietnam , Puts forword more strict requirements for vertical fin design of armed helicopter in order to ensure it fly back safely after suffering tail rotor loss .
To improve the lateral stability , two types of composite sandwich panel have been designed and attached to the vertical tail of Velocity-173 . A series of flight test has been performed to measure the effects of the extended vertical tail .