
  • 网络Vertical seismic profile;vertical seismic profiling;Vsp
  1. 垂直地震剖面的采集、处理与应用

    The acquisition , processing and application of VSP data

  2. 垂直地震剖面将把地面观测和井中观测的构造和地层特征联系起来,以适应地球物理学家、石油地质学家和石油工程师作综合解释的需要。

    VSP data provides the unifying link between the surface and borehole observations of structural and stratigraphic features , and for complete understanding requires the integration of the interpretations of the geophysicist , petroleum geologist and petroleum engineer .

  3. 垂直地震剖面偏移对VSP方法的实际应用有着重要的意义。

    VSP migration is of great significance to good VSP application .

  4. VSP(垂直地震剖面),是一种地震观测方法。

    VSP ( vertical seismic section ), is a kind of earthquake observation method .

  5. 此结果也可以直接用于VSP(垂直地震剖面)和井间地震资料的分析研究。

    The result can also be used directly to analyze VSP and cross-well seismic data .

  6. 垂直地震剖面(VSP)是一种有效地进行工程地质调查的方法技术。

    Vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) is an effective method for engineering geological investigation .

  7. 用计算机产生地层内的地震波,是研究垂直地震剖面(VSP)的有力工具。

    To produce subsurface seismic wave with the use of computer is the good means of VSP study .

  8. 上行波和下行波的分离是垂直地震剖面(VSP)资料处理的重要环节之一。

    One of the important steps in VSP data processing is to separate upgoing wave from downgoing wave .

  9. 介绍了VSP(垂直地震剖面法)技术的基本原理、零偏和非零偏两个方面的数据采集与处理。

    This paper presents the VSP technology principle , data collection and interpretation in both zero and non-zero offset distance sides .

  10. VSP(垂直地震剖面)资料是连结钻井资料和地面地震剖面的天然桥梁,合成记录只能做参考。

    VSP data can act as medium of synthesizing drilling data and seismic profile . Composite seismogram can only be used as reference .

  11. 垂直地震剖面(VSP)独特的优点使其在能源和矿产资源的勘探以及开发中起着不可忽视的作用。

    Vertical seismic profiling ( VSP ) has been playing a significant role in both the exploring and developing of energy and mineral resources for its advantages .

  12. 为了提高垂直地震剖面(VSP)成像质量,首次将高斯束偏移方法应用于VSP观测系统。

    In order to improve the quality of vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) imaging , the Gaussian-beam migration ( GBM ) was applied to VSP for the first time .

  13. 在当代石油勘探中,声测井、垂直地震剖面(VSP)以及地震勘探的联合应用与综合解释正变得日益重要。

    The integrated application and interpretation among sonic log , vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) and seismic survey are becoming more and more important for oil and gas exploration .

  14. 品质因子Q的准确估计是叠前叠后地震数据处理及AVO分析的关键环节,通常从垂直地震剖面数据或叠后地面地震数据中估算出品质因子Q的值,然后再进行衰减补偿。

    Exact quality factor ( Q-factor ) is very important for pre-and post-stack seismic data processing and AVO analysis . Q - factors are commonly estimated from vertical-seismic-profile data or post-stack surface seismic data , and then compensated for attenuation .

  15. 非零偏移距垂直地震剖面(VSP)模型的制作是非零偏移距VSP资料处理的关键环节之一,是VSP-CDP转换的基础。

    An important step in processing offset vertical seismic profiling ( VSP ) data is to set up a model ( offset VSP model ), which is essential to VSP-CDP conversion .

  16. 垂直地震剖面法(VSP)勘探技术,是地震剖面与地质层位之间的桥梁,能为利用地面地震反射信息进行构造精细解释、储层横向预测和油藏描述提供可靠的资料依据。

    Vertical seismic profile technique , a bridge connecting seismic section and geologic horizons , can provide reliable data for fine interpretation of structures , lateral prediction of reservoirs and reservoir characterization with surface seismic reflection information .

  17. 然后,推导了井间(CBP)、垂直地震剖面(VSP)和地面反射(SRP)三种不同的数据采集方式下的衍射CT的重建公式;

    Then we have derived the diffraction tomography reconstruction formulas under three independent data acquisition configurations such as the cross boreholes profiling ( CBP ), the vertical seismic profiling ( VSP ) and the surface reflection profiling ( SRP ) .

  18. 垂直地震剖面模型实验中的资料分析及数字处理方法

    Data analysis and digital processing in the model experiment of VSP

  19. 垂直地震剖面的波动方程有限差分模拟与偏移

    Wave equation modelling and migration for VSP by finite difference method

  20. 三分量垂直地震剖面资料波场分离方法

    Separation of wave field for vertical seismic profile data of three components

  21. 垂直地震剖面资料波动方程反演用于井底以下地层预测

    Vertical Seismic Profiling for Predicting Layers below Well Bottom

  22. 受地震资料分辨率等因素的影响,利用测井、垂直地震剖面法对砂砾岩体的地震反射模式进行了分析;

    Using log and VSP a seismic reflection mode for glutenite is analysed .

  23. 垂直地震剖面层速度与声波测井速度的对比&陕甘宁盆地的工作案例

    Comparison of velocities from VSP and sonic log

  24. 北部湾垂直地震剖面勘探效果分析

    The effect of vertical seismic profile in North Bay water , South China Sea

  25. 垂直地震剖面资料中的随机噪声衰减

    Stochastic Noise Attenuation in Vertical Seismic Profile

  26. 人机交互垂直地震剖面处理

    Interactive VSP processing offset vertical seismic profiling

  27. 垂直地震剖面法的几个应用问题

    Some practical problems of vertical seismic profiling

  28. 非零井源距垂直地震剖面

    Offset vertical seismic profiling deviated-well VSP

  29. 垂直地震剖面法野外采集资料质量控制综述

    A summary of the quality control for the field data collection of the vertical seismic profiling

  30. 垂直地震剖面法的试验及成果

    Experiment on VSP and the result