
  • 网络Canny;Cannae
  1. 实现了高低阈值的坎尼(Canny)算子;

    Investigate and realize canny operator that has high and low threshold .

  2. 论述了在经典的边缘算子基础上发展起来的最优边缘检测算子,比如LOG算子、坎尼边缘检测算子等检测定位精度较高的最优算子;

    Discussing of some optimal edge-detected operators , such as LOG operator , Canny edge-detected operator , which are developed on the base of classical ones , and shown higher precision than the formers .

  3. 在餐厅工作六个月后,斯金纳离开爱荷华州,加入美国海军,在中途岛号(Midway)与奥里斯坎尼号(Oriskany)航母上服役。

    After six months behind the counter , he left Iowa behind for the Navy , serving on the aircraft carriers Midway and Oriskany .

  4. 乙二醛的定量用坎尼查罗反应后用标准酸测定;

    The concentration of glyoxal can be determined by the Cannizzaro reaction ;

  5. 在奥里斯坎尼号航母上服役期间,他曾与约翰•麦凯恩有过短暂共事的经历。

    He briefly overlapped with Oriskany veteran John McCain .

  6. 再利用坎尼算子提取运动区域轮廓,并对其内部填充后,即得到一个运动粗模板。

    After filling the inner of that motion area , rough motion template can be obtained .

  7. 索贝尔算子简单有效,坎尼算法和高斯的拉普拉斯算法能产生较细的边缘。

    The analyses indicate that the Sobel operator is more simple and effective , the Canny detector and the Gausian 's Laplacian algorithm yield thinner edges .

  8. 教皇寻求托斯坎尼区的玛蒂尔达伯爵夫人的庇佑,这位伯爵夫人是当时世界上最富有的女人,一位倾国倾城,睿智聪颖,极有品味的郡主。

    The Pope had sought the protection of Countess Matilda of Tuscany , then the world 's richest woman , and a princess of startling beauty , taste and wisdom .

  9. 并在此后的十余年里,纵横驰骋、战功卓绝,留下了诸如特拉西美诺湖战役、坎尼大捷等传世的经典战例。

    In the next ten years , he had brilliant achievements in war and left behind a classic examples handed down , such as the Tracy Miele Lake battle and the Cannae victory .

  10. 根据灰度边缘又是灰度值不连续现象,采用边缘检测算法来获得真实的型材边缘线,着重探讨了基于微分算子的型材图像边缘检测以及坎尼算子的应用;

    In the third part , according to the gap of the hue value , the method of detecting frame-steel image brim based on differential calculus and Canny arithmetic operators is introduced in detail .