
luó mǎ pínɡ mín
  • plebs
  1. 由于罗马平民的主体是外来的,因此平民与罗马人民同他们定居和劳动的土地的关系本质不同。

    The relationship between plebs and the lands they settled and working with in different nature , contrasting with that of the populus Romanus .

  2. 罗马平民问题的由来及研究概况

    The Problems of Roman Plebeians : Origin and Outline

  3. 试析罗马早期平民的身份地位

    On the Status of Roman Plebs

  4. 源自罗马词汇plebs(平民)的Pleb在新的语境中,用于描述普通民众或是工人阶级,含有贬义。

    Pleb , taken from the Roman word plebs , has found a modern context in its derogatory usage to describe a member of the ordinary people or working classes .

  5. 那是古罗马和古希腊平民闻所未闻的,时代迁流,潜心诵读它们的学者已成稀有,而今唯少数学者亦不辍研读这些作品。

    What the Roman and Grecian multitude could not hear , after the lapse of ages a few scholars read , and a few scholars only are still reading it .