
  1. 当流星涌入地球大气圈出现的短暂的流星雨。

    A transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth 's atmosphere .

  2. 根据惰性气体提供的信息,地球大气圈中惰性气体主要由地幔脱气形成。

    Based on information from noble gas , noble gases in the atmosphere are originated from mantle degassing .

  3. 地球系统大气圈-水圈-岩石圈-生物圈的相互作用,其中最关键、最活跃、最重要的纽带就是陆地水系统中的水循环。

    In the Earth system , the hydrological cycle in terrestrial water systems is the most critical and active link among the interactions of the atmosphere , the Hydrosphere , the lithosphere and the biosphere .

  4. 文中给出了一些研究结果,证明了短期气候(10 ̄(-1)~10 ̄1年)变化的根本原因在地球内部,大气圈基本上只是处于一种响应状态。

    The paper had given some results to show that the basic cause of short-term ( 10  ̄( - 1 ) ~ 10  ̄ 1 years ) climate change is in the solid Earth , and atmosphere is in response state .

  5. 地球斜压大气纬圈平均运动特征的振动

    The oscillation of certain zonal mean characteristics of motion on a spheric earth

  6. 太阳辐射紫外线和氧反应在整个地球平流层(上部大气圈)内产生一个臭氧层。

    Reactions between oxygen and ultraviolet radiation from the sun create a layer of ozone throughout Earth 's stratosphere ( upper atmosphere ) .

  7. 地球表面系统包括大气圈的对流层、水圈、生物圈和岩石圈的地壳部分,是地球系统中与人类当前生存关系最密切、最直接的部分。

    Earth surface system includes troposphere , hydrosphere , biosphere and the earth 's crust of lithosphere , which is the closest and the most direct partition to the human survival in earth system .