
dì fɑnɡ qì hòu
  • Local climate;microclimate
  1. 有些地方气候带很明显,有的则不太明显。

    Some places have obvious climate zones , and some not .

  2. 地方气候对龙泉隧道通风影响的评估

    Evaluation of Effect of Local Climate on the Ventilation of Longquan Tunnel

  3. 如果你生活的地方气候暖和,那么就在他们的树上挂上你的问候。

    If you live in a warm climate you can hang greetings in the trees .

  4. 随着人口的增长和地方气候的变化,这一数字肯定还会增长。

    And as populations grow and local climates change , this number is sure to rise .

  5. 所以接近水体的区域,总体来说比没有水的地方气候更温和。

    So places near large bodies of water are generally milder , err ... slightly warmer than those without water .

  6. 评估主要省份、城市和能源及原材料公司的地方气候雄心、绩效和碳脱钩趋势。

    in assessing the local climate ambition , performance and carbon-decoupling trends of major provinces , cities and energy and raw-material companies .

  7. 它们的粗糙的分辨率意味着它们常常忽略了对地方气候具有重要意义的地形强迫作用以及陆地表面反馈。

    Their coarse resolution means they often miss processes such as topographic forcing and land-surface feedbacks that are important for local climate .

  8. 该区地方气候分为三种不同尺度的类型(山区动力热力性环流,山谷风环流和冰川局地环流)。

    The local climate can be classified into three categories , that is the mountain scale , the valley scale and the glacier scale .

  9. 我居住的地方气候温暖,但我想在家里看到火焰而且不要有热量。我的选择有哪些?

    I live in a warm climate and want the look of a great fire but don 't want heat . What are my options ?

  10. 近40年来,约14%的引种植物物候期变化是由于受到植物园地方气候的影响,引种植物株高生长同样受到植物园地方气候的显著影响。

    In response to climate change , significant phenological shifts were found for about 14 % of plants . The climate also greatly influenced the temporal plant height growth .

  11. 研究实践证明,遥感技术对于下垫面气候研究具有独特的功能,特别是对地方气候分析提供了新的内容和手段。

    The researched practice demonstrates that remote sensing technology takes peculiar effect to researching the climate in underlying surface , especially , it provides a new content and means for analysing local climate .

  12. 盆谷地中山棕色针叶林土生态单元。盆谷地土壤生态系统的各个土壤生态单元分别具有各自的地方气候、地形条件、土壤类型和资源优势,因此它们有着不同的经营方向。

    Each soil ecological unit of the basin-valley soil ecosystems has its own particular local climates , relief conditions , soil typ - es and resource advantages , therefore , it has a different develop - ing direction from the others ' .

  13. 中国各地方的气候有相当大的区别。

    The climate in china is quite different from part to part .

  14. 我来的地方的气候和这里很相似。

    Where I come from the climate is very much like this .

  15. 新地方的气候非常温和。

    The new place had a very mild weather .

  16. 在加州生活。如此美丽的地方,气候更是好得无可挑剔。

    Living in California , a truly beautiful place with almost the best weather .

  17. 我从来没有像现在这样喜欢这个地方的气候。

    Never before have I liked the climate of this place as I do now .

  18. 这个地方的气候比英国其它地区都要温和。我们的旅游指南如是说。

    " This area has a milder climate than anywhere else in Britain ," our itinerary promised .

  19. 这是为什么人们想要在美国更多地方有气候防护的部分原因。

    It 's part of the reason why some folks want to climate prove more parts of the U.S.

  20. 他们都应该考虑买一块像伦敦这样的好地方,气候宜人,社会安定,可以享受丰富的夜生活。

    Both should think of buying a temperate , orderly city with decent nightlife , such as London .

  21. 但是这些地方的气候却很适合种植大麦和啤酒花,这些都是啤酒的基本原料。

    But the climate and the land are excellent for growing barley and hops , the basic ingredients of beer .

  22. 如果你生活的地方,气候凉爽、土壤湿润而肥沃,那么就可以考虑种植卷心菜。

    Think about growing cabbage if you live where the weather is cool and the soil is moist and fertile .

  23. 在那些已经爆发灾难的地方,气候变化的现实规模开始渗透进来。

    In places where people are already facing devastation , the scale of the climate-changed reality is starting to seep in .

  24. 拉­尼娜现象,即南美洲西海岸附近的海面温度的显著降低,能够对全球很多地方的气候模式造成严重的破坏。

    La Nina , effectively a drop in sea surface temperatures off the western coast of South America , can cause havoc with weather patterns in many parts of the globe .

  25. 气候多因子权重相似分析及其在农业气候区划中的应用甲:区别不是很大,我来的地方,气候和这里很相似。

    An Analogical Analysis Technique with Different Weights to Climatic Factors and Its Application in Agroclimatic Regionalization A : Not too different . Where I come from the climate is very much like this .

  26. 她写道,更加重要的是,印度科学机构必须录用更多青年和女性科学家,他们的“渴望和奋斗”将会促进印度以及世界其它地方的气候科学。

    Most importantly , she says , the establishment must take on more young and female scientists , whose " impatience and desperation " will strengthen India 's and the world 's climate science .

  27. 气候是不可移植的地方特征适应气候的重庆地区传统建筑技术更新

    Climate is the Place Rebirth of Technological Acclimatization in Chongqing 's Architecture

  28. 什么地方夏天冬天气候宜人呢?

    Which places are nice during summer and winter ?

  29. 就连这些地方,由于气候变化目前也在依靠人工造雪。

    Even these regions are now relying on artificial snow because of climate change .

  30. 在中国的许多地方,极端气候现象更为频繁。

    We are seeing more frequent bouts of extreme weather in many parts of the country .