
  • 网络floor cabinet;TV cabinet
  1. 然后把基准地柜放在相应的位置。

    Then , place the benchmark base cabinet at its designated position .

  2. 最后把地柜、吊柜的门板全部调试好。

    In the end , adjust all base cabinets , wall cabinets and door panels .

  3. 吊柜的拼装可以参照单元地柜的拼装流程。

    Please refer to the assembly processes of base cabinet and assemble the wall cabinet accordingly .

  4. 轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。

    The soft music is convoluting in the broad room , the note which is mapped on the ingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor .

  5. 测量时,若地面不水平,就在最小距离处按前面单元地柜定位方法在墙面确定地柜高度线。

    If the floor is not leveled , set down the height line for the base cabinet at the minimum distance with reference to the installation of single base cabinet .

  6. 红地半圆柜:红色是它的主体,上绘有不同山水、树木,展现了大好河山的壮丽景观。

    Read base half round cabinet : Red is the main color of it and painted by trees water and mountains show the beautiful country side .

  7. 他一个个地撬开保险柜。

    He broke the safes open one by one .

  8. 脸盆架为难地在餐具柜的两侧保持住重心,以免倒下;餐具柜又支立在餐桌的不是恰当的一边;这些餐桌像做体操似地用脚顶住另一些餐桌的桌面;这些就是这些家具的最合理的安排。

    Dozens of chairs hooked on to washing-stands , which with difficulty poised themselves on the shoulders of sideboards , which in their turn stood upon the wrong side of dining-tables , gymnastic with their legs upward on the tops of other dining-tables , were among its most reasonable arrangements .

  9. 还介绍了接地变及电阻柜的选择、保护配置和设计的原则,为今后35kV系统经小电阻接地的改造提供了成功的运行经验。

    The selection of grounding transformer and resistance cabinet , the protection configuration and the design principle are also introduced , which provide experiences of 35 kV system retrofitting in grounding via small resistance .

  10. 双侧带接地闸刀的联络柜防误回路的实现

    Realization of Anti-mistake Circuit on Tie-cabinet with Two-side Grounding Switchgear

  11. 玛莎小姐无力地靠着陈列柜。

    Miss Martha leaned weakly against the showcase .

  12. 为了更科学准确地测试节能控制柜的效果,编写了抽油机用节能控制柜的测试及评价方法。

    To test the effect of the energy-saving control unit of the pumping unit accurately , a test and evaluation method is provided .

  13. 瓶装水的一部分吸引力就是,你不需要把费劲地去填满器具柜。

    Part of the appeal of bottled water , after all , was that you didn 't have to plan ahead by filling a canteen .