
  1. 最新医学研究证实了较为健康的生活方式的好处。

    Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle .

  2. 如果你真的想过一种健康的生活方式,那么和那些能给你提供适当情感支持的人在一起是非常重要的。

    If you 're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle , it 's extremely important to surround yourself with people who 'll provide you with the proper emotional support .

  3. 也就是说,大多数糖尿病病例是由不健康的生活方式引起的。

    That is to say , most cases of diabetes result from the unhealthy life style .

  4. 英国癌症研究所称,虽然养成健康的生活方式、戒烟、保持良好的饮食习惯和运动不一定会防癌,但这样做会大大降低患癌的风险。

    Cancer Research UK says that while adopting a healthy lifestyle , stopping smoking , eating a good diet and exercising will not necessarily prevent cancer , it can greatly reduce the risk of developing the disease .

  5. 结论重庆地区增加MS危险性的环境因素与不健康的生活方式,运动减少和某些社会文化及心理因素有关,而遗传因素则与心血管病和代谢病家族史有关。

    Conclusion The environmental factors which can increase the risk of MS were closely related to the unhealthy life style , less exercise , and some social , culture and psychical factors .

  6. 这种转变的受益者包括户外品牌NorthFace以及耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等运动品牌,这反映出人们越来越注重更健康的生活方式。

    Beneficiaries of this shift include North Face , an outdoor brand , and sports companies such as Nike and Adidas , reflecting a growing emphasis on healthier lifestyles .

  7. 最近,在《美国医学会期刊·肿瘤学》(JAMAOncology)上发表的论文显示,研究者试图量化健康的生活方式可以如何实质性地改变罹患癌症的风险。

    Most recently , in JAMA Oncology , researchers sought to quantify how a healthful lifestyle might actually alter the risk of cancer .

  8. 高血压是心血管疾病的主要诱因,传统控制和预防高血压病的方法是使用合成的ACE抑制药物以及坚持健康的生活方式和改善饮食。

    Hypertension is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases ( CVDs ) . Traditionally , it has been controlled and prevented using synthetic ACE inhibitory drugs aside maintaining a healthy lifestyle and modification of diet .

  9. Forsythe的居民选择了更健康的生活方式。

    The citizens of Forsythe have adopted healthier lifestyles .

  10. 虽然没有诊断患上该疾病的精确方法,但是拥有健康的生活方式和避免环境的毒素可以减少孩子的ADHD症状。

    There is no test that can accurately diagnose a patient with the disorder ; but following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding certain environmental toxins may decrease the symptoms of ADHD in children .

  11. 她同意Hamer,伴抑郁症的人们更加易于有不健康的生活方式习惯。

    She agrees with Hamer that people with depression are more likely to have unhealthy lifestyle habits .

  12. 该结果指出需要家庭支持、劝告和药物治疗帮助病人和/或家庭照顾者解除烟瘾,选择健康的生活方式,Weaver说。

    The findings point to the need for family support , counseling and medication to help patients and / or family caregivers overcome their addiction and adopt healthy lifestyle choices , said Weaver .

  13. 为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle , employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26000-square-foot fitness center , with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball , indoor soccer and badminton courts , and free exercise classes .

  14. 她说,她和她在关于他怎么才能产生一个更健康的生活方式方面进行了深入的交流,特别是在他的朋友Orchant死了之后。

    She said she and Shaw had been talking a lot about how he could create a healthier lifestyle , particularly after the death of his friend , Orchant .

  15. 最后,锻炼身体及拥有健康的生活方式呢?

    Finally , what about exercising and living a healthy lifestyle ?

  16. 肥胖和不健康的生活方式都有可能导致糖尿病。

    It can be caused by obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle .

  17. 普及健康的生活方式知识,注意控制体重。

    Popularization of healthy lifestyle knowledge , attention to weight control .

  18. 浅析健康的生活方式与健康促进

    Healthy Way of Living and the Improvement of Peoples ' Health

  19. 健康的生活方式很快就受到了年轻人的拥护。

    A healthy lifestyle is fast gaining support among young people .

  20. 我们必须改掉不健康的生活方式。

    We must get rid of the unhealthy living habits .

  21. 市民应保持健康的生活方式,才能预防糖尿病。

    People should develop healthy lifestyle to help prevent diabetes .

  22. 我的健康的生活方式可以帮助我取得好的学习成绩。

    And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .

  23. 保持一下健康的生活方式很重要。

    It is very important to keep a healthy lifestyle .

  24. 健身房教练正在帮助她建立一套更加健康的生活方式。

    The gym instructor is helping her to cultivate a healthier lifestyle .

  25. 随着城市化的高速发展,健康的生活方式日益被消减。

    With the rapid development of urbanization , healthy lifestyle increasingly weakened .

  26. 他健康的生活方式有助于他取得好成绩而且学得很好。

    His healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades and study better .

  27. 健康的生活方式博览会将帮助你改变你的一生!

    Healthy LifeStyle Expo will help you change your life !

  28. 体育生活方式是一种文明、健康的生活方式。

    Physical activity lifestyles is a civilized and healthy way of life .

  29. 从以下的小主意开始一个健康的生活方式吧!

    Get started on a healthier lifestyle with these ideas !

  30. 记住,保持健康的生活方式能给你战胜压力的先机。

    Remember maintaining a healthy lifestyle gives you a head-start on beating stress .