
  • 网络local industry
  1. 我们需要发展地方工业。

    We need to develop local industries .

  2. 主要表现为地方工业萎缩、人口增长缓慢甚至绝对减少、人才外流严重、GDP等主要社会经济指标与主流地区的差距拉大、社会运转方式及地方社会心理滞后于时代。

    Marginalization means that local industries shrink , population increases slowly or even decreases , talents drain , gaps in terms of main social economic indexes like GDP between the mainstream regions and local cities are enlarged , operating ways and social mentality of local cities lag behind the time etc.

  3. 地方工业应关心本地的需要。

    Local industry should concern itself with local needs .

  4. 围绕飞地经济发展新疆地方工业的思考

    Speculations about the Industrial Development in Xinjiang Revolving around " Enclave Economy "

  5. 地方工业企业环境管理问题探讨

    A Probe into the Problem of Environment Management of the Local Industrial Enterprise

  6. 这是一项促进地方工业发展的政策。

    It is a policy that looks towards the development of local industries .

  7. 新疆少数民族传统地方工业经济的现状与发展前景分析

    The Conditions and Developing Prospect of the Traditional Industries of the Xinjiang Minority Ethnic Groups

  8. 产煤丰富的地方工业繁荣。

    Industries thrive where coal abounds .

  9. 工人的工资,福利是否按照法规和地方工业工资标准?

    Remuneration Are wages and benefits rendered in full compliance with applicable laws , regulations and binding local industry standards ?

  10. 小水电的建设,对促进地方工业和乡镇企业的发展和保护生态平衡,有着十分重要的作用。

    Construction of small hydropower projects has significantly important effects on promoting development of local industry and village township enterprises and on protection of ecological equilibrium .

  11. 地方工业以煤炭开采为主,水泥、陶瓷、农业化工、农副产品加工等产业形成一定规模,独具地域优势。

    Local coal mining industry in the main , cement , ceramics , agricultural chemicals , agricultural products processing industry to form a certain scale , the unique geographical advantage .

  12. 同时随着越来越多工业园区的兴起,这一地方工业的发展模式所带来的矛盾与问题也日益突出,严重损害了国家利益和农民利益。

    However , with the prosperity of industrial parks , more and more conflicts and problems have also emerged , which have done great harm to our country and the peasants .

  13. 有一些中央企业起了带头作用,气魄大,牌子大,公子少爷的味道足,把一些地方工业带坏了。

    Some central enterprises have taken the lead by giving a massive appearance , erecting impressive name signs and behaving like pampered princes , exerting a bad influence on some local industries .

  14. 大庆电力集团是大庆石油管理局下属的专业分公司,主要担负大庆石油、石化生产建设、大庆市地方工业和城市居民生活发电、供电及供热任务。

    It is mainly shouldering the production and construction of Daqing petroleum and petrochemical . It is also affording the duty of electricity generation , the power supplying and heating to Daqing local industry and the citizens living .

  15. 地方工业企业已成为我国区域经济发展的中坚力量,但其目前普遍性的高能耗、高污染运作方式给区域环境带来了日益严重的破坏与影响。

    The local industrial enterprise is the mainstay of regional economic development in our country . But at present , its universality of high-energy consumption and high pollution operating mode has increasingly damaged and affected the regional environment seriously .

  16. 经过100多年的发展,英国城市学院在科研和为社会服务方面都取得了显著的成果,它们不仅为当地的工商业培养了一批批优秀的人才,还成为地方工业的研究中心。

    After the development of one hundred years , the civic colleges have achieved significant results in scientific research and social services . They trained a batch of talents for local industry and commerce and became the center of local industry .

  17. 地方工业的飞速发展,使区域经济实力大为增强,然而强烈的人为作用又使新的水土流失源增加。

    The development of local industry at full speed makes the region 's economy greatly strengthened , makes the people see hope that tue district will shake off poverty , but such strong industrial activity makes a new source of increased soil erosion .

  18. 因而新疆在今后发展地方工业时应以此为契机,明确发展思路,选定发展重点,向依托优势资源所形成的飞地产业集聚,以提升新疆地方工业产业的竞争力。

    Thus in developing local industry in Xinjiang in the future , this the turning point should be taken to ensure the development views , select key development items by revolving around " enclave economy " formed by advantages in resources to promote competitiveness of local industry in Xinjiang .

  19. 山西地方电力工业可持续发展探讨

    Probing into Continued Development of Shanxi Province 's Local Power Industry

  20. 利用现有锅炉设备开发地方电力工业

    Make use of existing boiler equipment to develop local electric power

  21. 对地方高校工业设计专业办学定位的再思考

    Rethinking of the Orientation of Industrial Design Specialty in Local College

  22. 振兴三明地方水泥工业之我见

    On promoting the local cement industry in Sanming area

  23. 依靠科技进步推动山西地方煤炭工业持续发展

    To Rely on Science and Technology Progress Promotion Shanxi Local Coal Industry Sustainable Development

  24. 与此同时,一些地方的工业用地利用表现得极为粗放,并且用地效率十分低下。

    Meanwhile industrial land in some districts is used in an extensive and low-efficiency manner .

  25. 如何走出困境?在分析山西地方煤炭工业发展现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了山西地方煤炭工业发展战略的调整。

    Local market The adjustment of developing scheme of Shanxi local coal industry is necessary .

  26. 九十年代上海地方钢铁工业发展的思考(续一)

    Some ideas of development of Shanghai local steel industry in 1990s ( continued part I )

  27. 河北省地方冶金工业连铸配套后小型轧钢发展途径

    Developing way of small-sized steel rolling after concast getting into a complete system in metallurgical industries in Hebei Province

  28. 除广州外,深圳成长为工业经济发展的新极核,地方性工业发展中心及节点城市发生了明显的更替;

    Besides Guangzhou , Shenzhen has grown into another industrial developmental core , and the local industrial developmental centers as well as the node cities have changed .

  29. 近年来,人们对知识产权保护越来越重视,地理标志在发展地方食品工业中的作用也被人们所认识,并且成为树立地方品牌、提升产品竞争力的重要手段。

    The important role of geographical marks is increasingly realized in the development of the local food industry when more importance is attached to the protection of intellectual property recently .

  30. 文中包括城市工业构成、工业布局类型、工业区组织、地方小型工业布局四部分,分别对经济计划与城市规划的关系;

    The article consists of four parts : the structure of urban industry , the types of distribution of industries , the organization of the industrial district and the layout of the small local industries .