- 名mantle

[mantle] 地球内约2900多公里深处,岩石层以下、地心以上与地心断开的部分
Pyrite and chalcopyrite were measured Pb isotopes show that the minerals of ore-forming fluid from the mantle .
This presentation reports the new improvements of Lu Hf isotope study on some of the mantle components .
The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere .
Three-dimensional P velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under Beijing region
The PM-normalized TME distribution patterns are W-type , and have remarkably negative Ti and Cu anomaly .
Effects of mantle anelasticity on the Chandler wobble
Data on trace elements , REE and isotope Sr indicate that the magma come from enriched mantle .
The continental lithosphere was subjected to further alteration by the SiO 2-poor melts from the deep mantle .
Fluids were not active and oxygen isotope composition of meteoric water could be preserved during UHPM process , as is evidenced by O , C , and H isotope data ;
The characteristics of carbon and oxygen isotope indicate that continent mantle possesses considerable chemistry inhomogeneity , which possibly results from the diversity of carbon in mantle , inhomogeneity of origin or mantle metasomatism .
Study on REE in mantle fluids has significance for understanding of regional geochemical difference , mantle enrichment and depletion .
The genesis of enriched ⅰ type ( EM ⅰ) - mantle domains is also discussed on the basis of the Ce and Nd isotopic characteristics .
This paper introduces the high-and Ultra-high-pressure experiments being constraint to the layering structure of the Earth , and new experimental results of the origin of the rare magma related to the mantle C-H-O system .
The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .
In order to test the validity of our theory and method two simple models ( higher lower density body and break off slab ) are employed to calculate their flow patters in this paper .
The P wave velocity on the top of the mantle of some places is relatively low and the fluctuating range of the velocity is very large , which may indicates that the Yunnan region is a typical tectonic active area .
The results show that the long_period tide solutions determined by SLR can detect the effect of mantle anelasticity .
This kind of melt-rock interaction makes the uppermost mantle enriched in Si , which might be the key to know the compositional characteristics of continental crust .
The variation of Sr isotope in paleo-ocean is regarded as the result of the evolution of crust and mantle and of the crust-mantle interaction in different geological times .
Low value of Ni and high content of H 2O suggest that original magma be formed by partial melting of low-temperature part in mantle enriched water .
New data provide a more complete analysis on how the Afar plume and plate-scale tectonic events interacted the Red Sea Basin evolution .
Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonates in gold ores indicates that CO 2 in ore forming fluids was probably derived from deep interior of the Earth ( lithospheric mantle or deeper ) .
Removal of lithospheric mantle in the North China craton : Re-Os isotopic evidence for coupled crust-mantle growth
Shock & induced Transition of Perovskite ( MgSiO_3 ) under the Pressure of the Low Mantle
Evidence from geochemistry and petro chemistry indicates that the contents of Na , K , Al , Ca and Fe in ore bearing intrusions are apparently higher than those of the corresponding components in pyrolite averaged .
The REE distribution of serpentinized peridotite in ultrabasic rocks is the characteristic of U-type , showing that it was the LREE enriched residual mantle experienced in mantle metasomatism .
There exists a high & conductivhy layer in the east side of Liao River depression area .
The results show that the shear modulus of the crust in that area is less than 60 % of the global average and the viscosity of the lithosphere mantle is less than 1.5 × 1023Pa .
The Pb - Pb isochron yielded information on a mantle event of about 3.6 Ga.
They are formed from alkali basaltic magma that slightly melted out of continental mantle by AFC mixing in depth , especially by the fractional crystallization in shallow horizon .