
dì dài xìng tú rǎng
  • zonal soil
  1. G1/G2及H1/H2之比值也分别呈渐减和渐增趋势。地带性土壤中复合体的表面性质、腐殖质组成及养分在各组复合体中的分布也呈现有规律的变化。

    The regular variation of surfaee properties , humus composition and nutrient accumulation in both G_1 and G_2 organo-mineral complexes is also observed in zonal soils .

  2. 以我国中南地区几种主要地带性土壤为材料,比较了物理、化学方法的浓缩效果,结合X-射线分析,探讨了高梯度磁场分选(HGMS)后土壤胶体的矿物类型、氧化铁种类的变化。

    Changes of clay mineral association after HGMS for main zonal soils in central and southern China were investigated by means of XRD and chemical analytic methods .

  3. 用改进的Schofield法、盐滴定法等方法研究测定了我国中南地区5种不同地带性土壤的表面电荷特性。

    Surface charge properties of five soil samples from zonal soils in China were studied by the improved Schofield method and potential titration method .

  4. 结果表明:人为加速侵蚀使地带性土壤遭破坏,表土每年流失0.6~1.2cm;

    The result shows that accelerated erosion destroys region soil and the soil loss of surface layer is 0.6 ~ 1.2 cm / a .

  5. 湖北省地带性土壤发生学特性的探讨

    Tentative research on genetic characteristics of zonal soils in Hubei Province

  6. 我国地带性土壤中产蛋白酶细菌生态分布研究

    Study on ecological distribution of protease-producing bacteria in zonal soils

  7. 非地带性土壤有4个土类、九个亚类。

    There are 4 soil types and 9 subgroups of azonal soil .

  8. 平顶山市地带性土壤研究

    The geographic study of the regional soil in Pingdingshan area

  9. 中国6种地带性土壤红外光谱特征研究

    The characteristics of infrared spectrum of 6 typical zonal soils in China

  10. 利用土壤原样研究了中国6种典型地带性土壤的红外光谱特征。

    The infrared spectra of6 typical zonal soils were obtained with different treatments .

  11. 我国几种地带性土壤无机胶体的表面电荷特性

    Surface charge characteristics of soil colloids in China

  12. 中南地区几种地带性土壤中的氧化铁类型与钼吸附特性

    Ferric Oxide Types of Zonal Soils in Central-Southern China and their Molybdenum Adsorption Properties

  13. 由于地理位置和地质条件的复杂性,拟以地带性土壤分类的方法进行建模。

    In sophisticated geographic and geological conditions , models are sorted out in the zonation character of soils .

  14. 中国地带性土壤有机质含量与酸碱度的关系

    Relationships between soil organic matter content ( som ) and pH in topsoil of zonal soils in China

  15. 苏浙皖边界低山丘陵区几种地带性土壤的发生分类及开发利用

    Classification and utilization of some zonal soils in the subtropical low mountain area lying between Jiangsu Zhejiang and Anhui provinces

  16. 由北至南、由西向东和由西南至东北,我国主要地带性土壤的分形维数逐渐递增;

    From west to east , from north to south and from southwest to northeast , there were decreasing tendencies in the fractal dimensions of PSD of soils ;

  17. 紫色土是我国的一种独特土壤类型,矿质元素的含量与分布异于间一地区地带性土壤。

    The contents of mineral-forming elements in purple soils from the Sichuan Basin and their distributions in various regions , different kinds of soil and soil profiles have been studied in detail .

  18. 在对我国地带性土壤中产蛋白酶细菌生态分布的研究基础上,获得了一株产酶活力达到1945单位/ml的野生菌株。

    On the basis of the ecological study of protease-producing bacteria from many soil samples of our country , one wild strain its protease activity is up to 1945 u / ml was gained .

  19. 分析了平顶山市地带性土壤的类型、地理分布、成土条件、形成特点、土壤剖面特征和性质、分类、利用和改良;

    This article analyses the regional soil types in Pingdingshan area , as well as its geographic distribution , the formation condition , formation features , the characters of the soil section and its property classifications , utilization and improvement .

  20. 红壤是江西省主要地带性土壤,由于气候因素及不合理的利用,江西水土流失较为严重,造成生态环境恶化、土壤肥力衰退,严重制约了当地农业生产和社会经济的可持续发展。

    Red soil is the main regional in Jiangxi province . Serious soil and water loss , caused by climate and unreasonable use , has induced degeneration of the eco-environment and soil fertility , seriously restricted the sustainable development of agriculture and social economy .

  21. 不同气候区4种典型地带性植被土壤水文功能比较

    Comparison of Hydrological Functions of Four Typical Zonal Vegetations in Different Climatic Zones

  22. 结果表明,决定江苏麦田杂草发生、分布和危害的主要因素是地带性气候+土壤性质因素。

    The main factors determined the weed communities and infestations in the wheat fields of this region were geographic climate and property of soil .

  23. 开垦对农牧交错带地带性和非地带性草地土壤性质的影响

    Effect of reclamation on soil properties of zonal and intrazonal grasslands in agro-pastoral ecotone