
  1. 在零售版中包含了地图编辑工具,我真的期待我们也能看到一些北美的玩家自己做的非常酷的地图。

    With the world editor tool included with the retail version , I expect we will see some really cool maps from the North American fans too .

  2. 利用ODBC和XML技术实现系统的集成,初步形成了应用软件系统,实现了应急信息查询、专题图制作、地图编辑、在线溢油预测、数据管理等主要功能。

    With the application of ODBC and XML technology , the system is integrated into a software system . The main functions of the system including response information search , thematic map making , map edit , oil spill numerical simulation online , data management and so on .

  3. 第一步是地图编辑是放置基本的“地板砖”。

    The first step for the map creator is to lay the basic floor tiles .

  4. 历史地图编辑设计探讨&编制吉林省地图集历史沿革图后记

    Discussion on the Compilation and Design of Historical Map & Postscript of the compilation of historical evolution map of Jilin Provincial Atlas

  5. 将地图编辑和动态监控相结合,实现了田间车辆在电子地图上的实时显示、监控、信息处理和管理。

    With the electronic map editing and real time monitoring , the system can determine and display the equipment location in the field , and can also perform data processing and management .

  6. 本文将这些需求进行分析和归纳之后,提出了与校园用户生活密切相关的功能,其中包括地图编辑、定位、搜索、提醒服务,并为每一种功能都设计了详细的业务流程。

    Analyzed and summarized these requirements , proposed functions which closely related to the life of campus users , Including map edits , locate search and alert service . And business process in detail is designed for each function .

  7. 提供了一种灵活、快速的地图图像编辑软件实例。

    The paper provides an example of fast and flexible map image editing software .

  8. 数字地图的编辑

    Editing of digital maps

  9. 本文就是在面向对象软件开发理论和技术基础上完成了数字地图图形编辑系统的设计和实现。

    This paper realized the design of data structure and function module of Digital Map Graphic Edit System ( DMGES ) on the base of OO analysis and design .

  10. 并增加了统计专题地图用户交互编辑的功能。

    Moreover some functions of editing and modifying the statistic thematic map are provided .

  11. 当前图示表达模型实现了地理信息的符号化,但忽略了地图的制图编辑,影响了地图有效传递空间信息的功能。

    Current models for the portrayal can just visualize geographic information with map symbols , but neglect the functionality of editing maps , which makes it difficult for maps to express spatial information effectively .

  12. 朱燕妮同时也是改版“地图”的编辑之一,她表示自己从这种蹭课文化中受益颇多——在一番蹭课之后,她成功地将专业从本科时的生物化学转成了现在的环境管理。

    Zhu , editor of the guide , said that she has benefited from the trend herself - she successfully moved from a bachelor 's degree in biochemistry to her current one after auditing classes .

  13. 文章介绍了几何数据与属性数据的表达方式,并采用面向对象的建模技术,实现了电子地图数据的编辑修改功能和点、线、面符号的制作功能。

    Third , the article described the expression method of the geomorphic data and the attribute data of map . With the modeling technology of Object-Oriented , the author realized the edit function of the electronic map , and he also realized the function of the map symbol 's production .

  14. MicroStation是进行地图生产的图形编辑平台。

    MicroStation is the excellent map compilation software for map producing .

  15. 以获取威海市190km21∶500数字地图的数图编辑为例(已获2000年国家金奖),详细介绍了应用航测法获取城市GIS基础地理信息的数图编辑技术及特点。

    This paper introduces in digital map compiling technique and characteristics using aerophotogrammetry to obtain urban GIS basic geographic information in my institute , as the result of obtaining urban basic infomation of Weihai city about 190 km 2 1 ∶ 500 digital map .

  16. 光栅显示器背景地图的输入与编辑

    The Input and Edition of Background Map for Raster Display

  17. 它主要实现的功能:地图数字化;地图编辑;

    This system has the following functions f digitizing map , Editing map ;

  18. 视觉模型的建设和“心智地图”的网络编辑工具。

    Visual model building and " mind mapping " with the Network Editor tool .

  19. 太子港地图在2009年底还没怎么编辑,不如加利福尼亚的地图编辑得好。

    The map of Port au-Prince at the end of 2009 was not all it could be , not as good as the map of California .

  20. 基本功能子系统主要实现对地图数据集、图层的管理,地图操作和编辑;

    The basic function subsystem mainly realizes the management of map datasets and graph layer , as well as the map operation and edit ;

  21. 本文把属性管理技术应用在地图制图中,实现了属性数据库支持下的地图编辑。

    It is the second key that spatial attribute database management is applied in digital mapping .

  22. 随着现代地图学的不断发展以及高新技术在地图生产领域的广泛应用,地图生产实现了数字化工作流程,并向地图制图与地图出版编辑的一体化方向发展。

    With the continuous development of modern cartographic theories and the high tech 's extensive applications in the field of map production , now the map production has achieved digital workflow , and is expanding to integration of digital mapping and publishing edit .

  23. 然而,提供地图表达工具与符号化机制的GIS软件侧重于地理数据的建立与维护,不支持地图的自由编辑,难以满足地图生产的需要。

    However , the cartographic presentation tools and symbolization mechanisms available in the existed GIS software that is used to build and maintain the geographic database , have not provided the cartographic quality or the human freedom to produce directly the desired cartographic outputs ( Paul , 2004 ) .

  24. 地图彩色设计成功与否,将直接关系到地图的质量、成本及其使用效益,因而,地图的彩色设计是地图编辑设计的一个重要方面。

    A colour scheme is very important in the compilation and design of a map . A successful or bad scheme has great effect on the cost , the quality and the usefulness of the map .