
  • 网络Series Maps;ditu.g.cn;Beijing Olympic Venues Tourism and Transport;DSMs;OSMs
  1. 而操作图层由一系列地图服务图层组成。

    The operation layer consists of a series of map services layer .

  2. 《湖北省市(州)及直管市系列地图》设计特色

    Design Characteristics of Series Maps of Hubei Province Cities

  3. 武汉城市圈系列地图总体设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Series Map of Wuhan

  4. 区域规划系列地图编制若干问题探讨

    Study on the Map Compilation in Regional Planning

  5. 系列地图编制及需要注意的若干问题与解决方法。

    Several problems needed to be paid attention to in the establishment of serial maps .

  6. 概述了《湖北省市(州)及直管市系列地图》的设计和编制具有内容详实、现势性强、配置合理、整饰美观等特点,介绍了制作过程中的体会。

    This paper reports the characteristics in the process of designing , drawing and making The Series Maps of Hubei Province Cities .

  7. 从系列地图的选题、专题内容的确定、系列地图的技术路线、整饰效果等方面,阐述了系列地图总体设计着重解决的主要问题。

    This paper reports the theme , subject , research program and decorate result of the series map of Wuhan , and discusses main problems about the design of the series map .

  8. 一系列的地图,也有助于厘清错误概念。

    Sequences of maps can also debunk misconceptions .

  9. 基于新编《系列世界地图》的全球板块分布图

    Global plate map based on new series world map

  10. 检查这一系列站点地图验证器

    Check this list of sitemap validators

  11. 《系列世界地图》上的专题内容

    Subjects of the series world map

  12. 系列专题地图的地理底图

    Geographic base of thematic map series

  13. 系列世界地图

    A series of world map s

  14. 科学家绘制了一系列的地图,凸显东南亚和孟加拉国地下水砷污染风险区域。

    Researchers have produced a series of maps that highlight areas at risk from groundwater arsenic contamination in South-East Asia and Bangladesh .

  15. 采用新编《系列世界地图》绘制出一套四种全球板块分布图,具体分为,东半球版、西半球版、北半球版和南半球版。

    This paper gives four kinds of global plate maps based on new Series World Map . They are east edition , west edition , north edition and south edition .

  16. 经过几十年的努力,我国已经初步建成了系列比例尺地图的空间数据库,测绘工作的重心正在由初期的数据生产向数据更新与服务转变。

    After decades of efforts , the serial-scale map database has been preliminarily established in our country , and the focus of survey and mapping work changes from the production of initial data to data updating and service .

  17. 1:1000比例、1:5000比例及1:20000比例系列的数码地图,已公开向市民发售。

    Digital maps of 1 to 1000 , 1 to 5000 and 1 to 20000 scales are available for sale to the public .

  18. 其一系列的交叉缝合地图,现在是

    Their series of cross stitch maps , there is now

  19. 摩根大通的韦迪写道,最有价值的高端用户最终会在百度一系列产品(如地图和音乐流媒体搜索)的吸引之下,回到百度的搜索引擎上来。

    Mr. Wei , of J.P. Morgan , wrote that the most valuable high-end users eventually would be wooed back to Baidu 's search engine by its array of products , such as maps and streaming music search .