
The Designation of Over-Exploitation Zone of Underground Water in Heilongjiang Province
The Zonation of Groundwater over Exploitation in Jining City
Theory and method of indentifying well water level anomalies in groundwater overdraft area
Based on the test , the mix-well flow calculation is classified during artificial supply to the over pumping area .
Recharging water into the karst reservoir . Analysis on artificial supply discharge and efficiency of mix-well in excessively pumping area
Analysis on No-Precursory Anomaly of Well Water Level in Over-exploited Area The 10m head of water in the shafts is rising .
Research on optimal azimuth determination of inclined hole and horizontal hole Analysis on No-Precursory Anomaly of Well Water Level in Over-exploited Area
The groundwater reservoir has special meaning for sustainable development of water resources in some area with vulnerable environment , such as arid and semi-arid area , karst area , seashore area and groundwater over-development area .
It is necessary to designate groundwater over-exploitation region in order to reasonably explore and effectively protect the groundwater resources .
Analysis on No-Precursory Anomaly of Well Water Level in Over-exploited Area
Three is the technical measure , carries out the region ground water resources appraisal , delimits the ground water excessively mining area , scientific well drilling , avoids blindly mining the ground water .
Determining the control level of groundwater exploitation is the basis to designate groundwater over-exploitation regions .
The article based on the observation data of groundwater level and preliminary analyzes the present situation and formation causes of groundwater overdraft in Xianyang city , and puts forward countermeasures to settle them .
This paper , from the mechanism of groundwater circulation , explains that the dynamic overdrawn area of groundwater is an outcome of a certain period , expatiates on the rational groundwater level index for scientific regulation , and puts forward the effective utilization measures .