
zài mǒu chù
  • somewhere;someplace;at one point
  1. 鸟儿在某处唧唧喳喳地叫着。

    Birds were chattering somewhere .

  2. 罪犯在某处藏身,等安全时才逃走。

    The criminals have gone to ground somewhere , waiting until it is safe to complete their escape .

  3. 石墙的一部分在某处悬于小路的上方。

    Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point

  4. 这个女孩的问题使吴先生想起了他以前在某处读到过的东西。

    The girl 's question reminded Mr Wu of something he had read somewhere before .

  5. 他们还不知道这份命运,但就在某处,有一个人他们终将深深牵挂。

    Neither one knows it yet , but somewhere out there is a person they are bound to care deeply about .

  6. 雷茜认为自己肯定是被某种东西盯上了。一双看不见的眼睛总在某处悄悄地跟随着她。也许这些该死的鬼玩意儿就是从那些空荡荡的房间里窜出来的。

    She felt like she was being watched , like unseen eyes were following her , perhaps from one of those empty rooms .

  7. XML解析器是“智能化”的,它知道若开始了一个元素,此元素必然会在某处终止。

    The XML parser is " smart " and knows that if an element is started , it must be finished somewhere .

  8. 服务器配置在某处有问题,请对照php安装说明仔细检查服务器配置。

    Something is wrong with the server configuration-double check the server configuration against the PHP installation instructions .

  9. 当然,本地主机实例是一个在某处运行的AMI。

    Of course , the localhost instance is an AMI running somewhere out there in the ether .

  10. Amazon实际上只是在某处运行的一个盒子,它让您感觉非常类似于根访问。

    Amazon is basically just a box running somewhere that gives you what feels very much like root access .

  11. 为了使工作易于管理,可以将GuiceInjector存储在某处并直接调用它。

    To keep the work manageable , you can store the Guice Injector somewhere and call it directly .

  12. 带凝聚的IFS包含两类不同变换:在某处的凝聚变换和在空间不同方向上的延伸变换;

    The IFS with coherence method involves two different transformations : coherent ones at some positions and stretched ones in different directions in space .

  13. 我知道在某处肯定有适合你的某个人。

    I know there 's someone out there for you somewhere .

  14. 马尔科姆在某处行政机构获得一份轻松的工作。

    Malcolm has a soft job somewhere in the civil service .

  15. 可能有宝物藏在某处呢。

    There may be a kind of treasure in there somewhere .

  16. 他在某处藏了很多金币。

    He 's got lot of gold coins hidden away somewhere .

  17. 一想到有某人在某处游手好闲,统治者就会不高兴。

    Rulers hate the notion that someone somewhere might be slacking .

  18. 在某处,有一位天使,也在守候着你。

    Somewhere an angel is looking out for you , too .

  19. 我断定我一定是在某处拐错弯了。

    I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere .

  20. 你有的,你的才能和经验都能在某处发挥作用。

    Every ability and experience in your shape can be used somewhere .

  21. 你需要的一切其实都在某处等着你。

    Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask .

  22. 准备好后,我可以将骨灰洒在某处。

    I can spread the ashes somewhere , when I am ready .

  23. 一点渺茫的希望,她也许在某处还活着。

    A blind hope that somewhere she 's still alive .

  24. 日本农村分散集落中小城市的出现及其特征在某处散落,散布,分布

    Emergence and characteristics of multiplex city among dispersed settlements in rural Japan

  25. 你需要的一切知识,都在某处可以看到。

    Everything you need to know is in there somewhere .

  26. 每一个爱都有一个心在某处期待着。

    For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it .

  27. 他儿子也许已经在某处的笼子里腐烂?

    Maybe his son is rotting in a cage somewhere ?

  28. 我敢说曾在某处见过那人。

    I would swear to having met that man somewhere .

  29. 或者一本躺在某处箱子里的日记。

    or a diary that lives in a box somewhere .

  30. 乐队在某处吹奏,心在某处轻跃。

    The band is playing somewhere , and somewhere hearts are light .