
  • 网络Turkish
  1. 提交的制图与文件应用英文和土耳其文两个版本。

    Drawings and documentation shall be presented as in English and Turkish .

  2. 他的诗被译为多种文字,包括中文,波兰文,俄文,斯洛文尼亚文和土耳其文。

    His poems have recently been translated into Chinese , Polish , Russian , Slovene and Turkish .

  3. 在这些证件之中,有些大概是用阿拉伯文、罗马文或土耳其文写的,因为议院的译员已被传唤了上去。

    It had been supposed some of the papers might be in the Arabian , romaic , or Turkish language , and the interpreter of the House was in attendance .