
  • 网络land cost
  1. 接着从实践角度出发,结合GIS技术建立了以运输费用与土地费用为基础的冷链配送中心选址方案并利用AHP进行方案评价。

    After that , from angle of practice the paper combining with GIS technology set up a plan for location of cold chain distribution centre based on transport cost and land cost and evaluated it by AHP .

  2. 分析了影响土地成本费用的主要因素,提出了控制的主要措施、地价的测算模型和土地费用估算方法。

    Analysis the main factors about land cost influence , and provides the main control measures . Put forwards the price model about land calculation , and estimates the land cost .

  3. 为了简化帐目,没有把土地费用考虑在内。

    To simplify the exercise , the cost of land was not included .

  4. 城市房地产开发项目土地费用估算原理

    On the Estimation Principle of Land Expenses in Chinese Urban Real Estate Development Project

  5. 此笔投资包括,云顶集团向何鸿燊出售丽星邮轮部分股份,并支付3亿美元土地费用,以取得由何鸿燊经营的一个拟议中的赌场项目。

    The investment consists of the stake sale to Mr Ho and a $ 300m outlay for land for a proposed casino project to be run by him .

  6. 在广州,土地费用太高,大部分人买不起,所以安葬空间很快就成为死者的一种顶级奢侈品。

    With the cost of land in its capital Guanzhou already more than most can afford , burial space is quickly becoming the ultimate luxury for the dead .

  7. 我国城市房地产开发项目土地费用的政策灵活性和地方特殊性很强,它的正确估算的前提是估算原理科学。

    The policy flexibility and local particularity of the land expenses in Chinese urban real estate development project are distinct , and the prerequisite of correct estimation of land expenses is the science of estimation principle .

  8. 浅析生产建设项目土地复垦费用构成

    Composition of land reclamation fee in production and construction projects

  9. 土地复垦费用估算取值及有关术语释义

    Estimation of land reclamation cost and explanation of relative terms

  10. 房地产企业,增加土地的费用是毫无疑问的。

    Real estate enterprises , increase the cost of land is no doubt .

  11. 在中国,当人们买房子时,土地的费用已经包括在里面了。

    In China , when people buy homes , the land price is already included .

  12. 矿山土地复垦费用的计算是复垦项目经济评价工作的基础,对采矿业和能源成本分析有重要意义。

    It is a basic work to account costs for economic evaluation to land reclamation engineering at mines .

  13. 同时也通过分析,建立了土地征地费用模型和降低路基高度后节省的费用现值模型。

    Meanwhile , we make two models after research on signing the land charges and the saving charges after lowering the height of embankment .

  14. 把水放入几块畦田比放人许多灌水沟或垄沟花费的劳力要少,这就补偿了平整土地的费用。

    The cost of land leveling is offset by the low labor requirement for turning water into a few border rather than into many furrows or corrugations .

  15. 针对我国有关行业土地复垦费用估算指标取值、土地破坏数量的估算以及复垦术语的含义等提出了分析和看法。

    Some comments and views on the estimation of land reclamation costs and areas of degraded land in related industries in our China as well as on the meanings of the terms of land reclamation were put forward in this paper .

  16. 按照目前法律规定,发生土地补偿费用争议的,应由县级以上政府协调,协调不成的则由批准征用土地的人民政府裁决。

    The coordination should be made by the county government or higher government in accordance with the law when the dispute of land compensation fee is occurred , it will be judged by the government that approved the land requisition when coordination is not successful .

  17. 土地征收补偿费用分配纠纷解决应当构建多元化程序。

    Multi-procedures should be established to solve the distribution of land expropriation compensation benefits .

  18. 论超生子女是否享有农村土地征收补偿费用资格

    On Whether the Unplanned Born Child Has the Qualification to Acquire Compensation for Collecting Countryside 's Land

  19. 像香港一样,有许多的港口城市在进行物流基础设施规划时遇到昂贵的土地和港口费用问题。

    Many port cities like Hong Kong , ate facing high land and labour costs in developing their logistics infrastructure .

  20. 第四十九条被征地的农村集体经济组织应当将征用土地的补偿费用的收支状况向本集体经济组织的成员公布,接受监督。

    Article 49 Rural collective economic organizations shall make public to its members the receipts and expenditures of the land compensation fees for land requisitioned and accept their supervision .

  21. 由于我国的劳动力成本较低,劳动力素质较高,土地和建筑费用也相对低廉,加上具有深厚的木家具制作传统,因此我国的美式家具产品在质量和价格上具有较好的国际竞争优势。

    For the low labour cost , cheap rate on construction , and with long tradition in furniture production , the American style furniture made in China take on strong competition advantages in quality and price .

  22. 土地补偿费等费用的使用、分配办法;

    Methods for using and distributing such fees as land compensation fees ;

  23. 城市土地置换开发项目费用及融资研究

    Discussion on Expenses and Financing of Urban Land Replacement Project

  24. 为了降低土地流转的交易费用,必须建立和规范土地交易中介机制;

    To reduce the transaction costs of land transference , we should establish and perfect the medium mechanism of land transference ;

  25. 开展土地资源调查评价费用标准研究,制定全国统一定额模式、计价方法及相关的参数十分必要。

    It is held critical to establish a unified national norm model , pricing technique and parameters for charges of land resources investigation and evaluation .

  26. 通过分析成本的来源,结合实践从五个关键控制点展开论述,即土地开发及相关费用控制、规划设计控制、合同控制、工程预(决)算控制、甲供材料控制。

    According to the cost origin , 5 key points of the control are discussed including the land development and charge control , plan and design control , contract control , project budget control , owner supply material control .

  27. “这项研究记载的大部分土地交易都不涉及土地费用或费用极少,”报告说。

    " Most of the land deals documented by this study involved no or minimal land fees , " it says .

  28. 土地产权制度安排影响土地市场交易费用的大小,对各利益主体具有不同的激励效应并导致不同的行为选择,进而影响交易能否顺利进行和资源配置效果。

    The land property rights institutional arrangements affect the land market transaction costs , bring different incentive effects to the various interest groups and lead to different behavior choices , thereby affecting whether a transaction will proceed smoothly and resource allocation effects .

  29. 规例的土地使用权转让价格,控制土地的费用。

    Regulation of land use right transfer prices , control the cost of land .

  30. 土地法律制度的存在可以降低土地交易费用,提高经济效率,促进土地利用过程中外部性问题的内部化;

    The land legal system can decrease land transaction costs , enhance economic efficiency , facilitate the internalization of external problems in land use .