
  • 网络soil physics
  1. 分形理论及其在土壤物理学上的应用

    Application of Fractal Theory in the Study on Soil Physics

  2. 本文概述了国际土壤物理学的发展趋势和中国土壤物理研究前景展望。

    This paper deals with the international development of soil physics , and the prospects for soil physics in China are given .

  3. 时间域反射法(DR)一种测量含水量的方法,这种方法被广泛应用于水文学和土壤物理学中。

    One possible method to measure water contents is Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ), which is widely-used especially in hydrology or soil-physics .

  4. 根据土壤物理学中的标定理论,结合非饱和土壤水分运动基本方程,建立了水流运动相似的力学准则,对各非他和土壤水分运动参数、变量及下渗过程进行了标定。

    Based on the scaling theory in soil physics and in close connection with the basic equations of unsaturated soil water movement , the similarity mechanical criteria of hydraulic flow movement are established ; and each unsaturated soil moisture movement parameters , variables and infiltration are scaled in this paper .

  5. 土壤结构是土壤物理学中最本质的部分.而有机物质对土壤结构的形成和稳定起着重要作用.本文就有机物质对有机无机复合作的形成及其对土壤结构的影响进行讨论。

    Soil structure is the most essential part of the soil physics , and the organic matter plays an important role in tbe formation and stability of soil structure . The effect of different organic matter on organic-mineral complex and soil structure is discussed on this paper .

  6. 灌溉对土壤养分运移理论的研究是目前土壤物理学、境科学和农田灌溉学研究的一个重要方面。

    Soil solute transport as affected by irrigation is , at present , an important research area in soil physics , environmental sciences , and geohydrology .

  7. 土壤水是土壤的重要组成部分之一,是土壤物理学研究的重要内容。

    Soil water is an important component of soil , and it is the important content of the soil physics research .

  8. 土壤CO2通量模型的优点是考虑了土壤呼吸生物和物理学过程;

    Comparing with empirical model , the process-based model in simulating the production and transportation of soil CO_2 has the advantage of considering the biological and physical processes of soil respiration .

  9. 土壤适宜含水量和土壤干旱下限指标的最新研究成果,为低定额的农业供水提供了土壤物理学的重要依据。

    Recent achievements of appropriate soil moisture and lower limit of soil drought indices provided an important basis of soil physics for agricultural water supply of low quota .