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  • disk plough
  1. 基于MMC卡的驱动圆盘犁田间测力数据采集系统

    The Force Measurement Data Acquisition System for Field-work of Driven Disc Plow Based on MMC

  2. 直联式驱动圆盘犁试验研究与参数优选

    Experiments and Parameter Optimization on Rigidly Hitched Power Driven Disk Plow

  3. 手扶驱动式圆盘犁试验结果分析

    The analysis of experimental result for walking tractor driven disk plow

  4. 驱动式圆盘犁扭矩测定系统的设计

    Design of torque measurement system of power driving disc plow

  5. 驱动式圆盘犁机组平衡的计算分析

    A calculation and Analysis on balance of power driven disk plow unit

  6. 建立了旱田驱动圆盘犁机组的平衡方程式。

    Thebalance equation of power driven disc plow is built .

  7. 驱动式圆盘犁的工作参数分析

    Analysis on the Operation Parameters of Power Disk - plow

  8. 基于圆盘犁仿生设计对犁耕阻力影响的研究

    Study on the Effects of Biomimetic Disc Plough Designs on Soil Resistance

  9. 影响驱动圆盘犁平衡与入土若干因素的探讨

    Effects of balance and penetrability of power driving disk plow

  10. 驱动圆盘犁运动过程的动态仿真

    Dynamic Simulation of the Motion for Driven Disc Plow

  11. 速度参数对驱动式圆盘犁动力特性的影响

    The Effect of Speed Coefficient on the Power Characteristics of Driving Disk Plow

  12. 秸秆、土壤和圆盘犁之间的相互作用机理是当今农业工程领域的一个重要研究方向。

    Straw-soil-disc tool interaction is currently an important field of agricultural engineering research .

  13. 水平摆式圆盘犁的设计计算

    Design and calculation for level swing beam disc plough

  14. 旱田驱动圆盘犁的理论与试验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Power Driven Disc Plow for Dry Farmland

  15. 手扶拖拉机配套驱动式圆盘犁的参数设计

    Designing of Hand Tractor Attached Driving Disk Plow

  16. 仿生圆盘犁犁体设计与制作

    Design and Make of Bionic Disk Plow

  17. 直联式驱动圆盘犁的总体配置及整机试验研究

    Overall Configuration of Rigidly-hitched Power Driven Disk Plow and Experimental Research on Its Test Run

  18. 驱动式圆盘犁系列设计和型谱&Ⅰ.驱动式圆盘犁的耕作深度

    Series Designing and the Type Chart of Driving Disk-plow ⅰ . Tilth Depth of Driving Disk-plow

  19. 提出采用左翻驱动圆盘犁,可以提高驱动圆盘犁的平衡性能和入土性能。

    A left-turn power driving disk plow was proposed because it enhanced penetrability and balance capability .

  20. 驱动圆盘犁田间测力无线传输数据采集系统

    Data acquisition system for field-work test of driven disc plow based on the wireless data transmission

  21. 水平面内悬挂参数对驱动式圆盘犁耕宽稳定性的影响

    Effects of Horizontal Linkage Parameters on the Stability of Tillage Width of Power Driven Disk Plow

  22. 阐述了手扶拖拉机配套驱动式圆盘犁研究过程中有关参数确定等设计内容。

    In this paper says about the definition of parameters in studying hand tractor attached driving disk plow .

  23. 圆盘犁犁体的工作方式和受力特点与其它触土部件有较大差异。

    The work method and the forced characteristic of the disk plow are different from the other contact soil part .

  24. 根据驱动圆盘犁的外载特性,详细论述了驱动圆盘犁平衡存在的若干问题及其影响因素。

    The problems of the balance in power driving disk plow were discussed according to the property of tillage outer load .

  25. 以田间试验为基础,确定了旱田驱动圆盘犁各参数初选的合理范围。

    Based on the field experiment , appropriate range of al parameters can be determined , which provide guideline for unit experiment .

  26. 本文从福建农林大学驱动式圆盘犁课题组已测定的试验结果出发,建立了尾轮侧向力的动态数学模型。

    In this paper , dynamic model of the side force of tail wheel has been developed based on the experimental data .

  27. 仿真中利用秸秆的非线性运动模型、土壤颗粒和耦合圆盘犁来分析粘土的结合特性。

    The model nonlinear motion of straw , soil particles and coupling disc tool were used to simulate silt clay soil cohesive behaviors .

  28. 最后,有针对性地将本数采系统运用于圆盘犁田间测试试验上,试验结果证明它是可靠的和高效的,可以作为圆盘犁田间试验的一种测试手段。

    The outcome of experiment proves that the system is credible and efficient . It can be as a kind of test means of a disc plough experimentation .

  29. 系列圆盘犁主要用于旱区作业熟地或生地的翻耕作业,特别适用于耕翻高产绿肥田和稻麦茬的回田,它具有阻力小、操作复合等特点;

    The Disc Ploughs are mainly used for tillage on dry cultivatedor fallow land , especially on high yield 's manure land , wheat and rice stubble fields .

  30. 简要介绍了驱动式圆盘犁的发展过程及研究现状、耕宽稳定性问题的研究概况。

    The research on the stability of tillage width of power driven disk plow has been introduced as well as the history and today of the driving disk plow .