
tú xínɡ wén zì
  • graphical text;graphic character
  1. 图形文字在构形方面已具备初步的系统性,其系统内部具有一批相对稳定的构件。

    Graphic character already has an initially systematic organization of configuration with a group of stable components existing within that system .

  2. 在这个信息爆炸的视觉时代,一个图形文字要使自己不被信息的海洋所淹没,就必须成为更强有力的叙述形式。

    In the visual age of information exploration , a graphic character must be a brilliant descriptive form which can avoid being flooded by the information ocean .

  3. 在Windows应用程序中,只要与图形文字输出有关系,都要使用映射模式。

    Windows application programs always use map mode as long as they have something to do with output .

  4. 图像图形文字混合处理系统PANDA的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of the images graphics and characters mixed processing system Panda

  5. 商周图形文字在现代标志设计中的潜在意义

    The Connotations of the Shang-and Zhou-dynasties Pictograms Used in Modern Logos

  6. 有限的带宽还会阻碍导致大量的图形文字的译文的传输。

    Limited bandwidths can also hamper translated text that results in an unusually large amount of visual text .

  7. 扩展了的词汇量;经验丰富的外科医生;图形文字的广泛例子;遭受了大面积的损害;广泛的选择。

    An extended vocabulary ; surgeons with extended experience ; extensive examples of picture writing ; suffered extensive damage ; a wide selection .

  8. 试析英文字体设计中图形文字的表现力集体对抗项目竞技表现形成的内在随机涨落力

    The Artistic Appeal of Graphic Character in English Typography ; the Intrinsic Stochastic Fluctuation Strength of the Athletics Performance of Collective Resistance Event

  9. 警告将这些新规定包括九条新的图形文字颜色的警告声明的陪同下描绘的不良健康吸烟的后果。

    These new required warnings would consist of nine new textual warning statements accompanied by color graphics depicting the negative health consequences of smoking .

  10. 通过软、硬件的协同设计,实现了实时视频采集、显示、存储、回放、图形文字操作界面等功能。

    On collaborative developing of hardware and software , achieved real time video acquisition , storing , replaying , graphical and character operating interface function .

  11. 人类文化有很多共性,图形文字化设计的首要任务是找出其共性,并且用自己独特设计语言表述出来。

    There are many common human culture , graphic text design in the first task is to find the commonalities , and unique design language with their own interpretation out .

  12. 图形文字化是设计师通过找一种视觉上的参照物,以此参照物来传译一种思想观念、一种信息、一种文化。

    Graphical text is the designer through to find a visual " reference " as a reference to " interpretation " the concept of an idea , a kind of information , a culture .

  13. 对图形文字自身形体的系统研究是从本体出发,全面认识图形文字的必要过程,值得深入探讨。

    A systematic research on the shape of graphic character is an essential process to fully understand graphic character based on its noumenon . This is a research issue that is worth further exploration .

  14. 作为附录,还列出了疏散标志的表示方法、图形文字尺寸、颜色、亮度、亮度比、可见度、视距等技术要求。

    As an appendix , expression for escape sign , size of Graph and letter , colour , brightness , brightness contrast , visibility and apparent distance are also listed from technical require - ments .

  15. 图形文字构形研究可为我们更深入的了解图形文字的内涵和性质提供一个新角度,打开一扇新窗口。

    Such research will offer us a new perspective on further understanding the meaning and nature of graphic character . Graphic character is a kind of bronze inscription that has a rich content and complex nature .

  16. 被刻在壶上原始的图形文字在例如位于山东博兴的鼎公遗址、莒县的凌阳遗址以及诸城的前寨遗址被发现。

    The primitive graphic characters , carved on pots , have been found , for instance , in the Dinggong site in Boxing , Shandong Province , the Lingyang site in Ju county and Qianzhai site in Zhucheng .

  17. 本文从论述汉字的起源和特点入手,详细的对汉字在国内包装设计中的重要性及图形文字创意和文字图形创意的应用进行了阐述。

    This article obtained from the elaboration Chinese character origin and the characteristic , is detailed has carried on the elaboration to the Chinese character in domestic packing design importance and the graph writing creativity and the writing graph creativity application .

  18. 软件部分采用C语言编写了数据采集模块、数据处理模块和友好的人机交互界面,测量结果以图形和文字的方式直观的显示给用户。

    The software is programmed with C language , including data collection module , data processing module , and friendly computer-human interaction interface that can display the result of measurement as figures and words for user .

  19. 本文研究的多媒体图像主要包括图像、图形和文字这些内容。基于内容的图像检索(CBIR,Content-basedImageRetrieval)是一种利用图像的视觉特征(颜色、纹理、形状等)进行图像检索的技术。

    Content-Based Image Retrieval ( CBIR ) is a kind of technique for retrieval images on the basis of automatically extracting visual features such as color , texture , and shape etc.

  20. 计算机辅助教学(CAI)是一种新兴的现代化教育技术,全屏幕绘图具是CAI的一个重要的辅助手段,主要为CAI提供丰富多彩的图形和文字。

    Computer Aided Instruction ( CAI ) is a New technique of modern education . The full screen drawing tools is a important assist to CAI , it provided rich and colourful drawing and texts for CAI .

  21. 通过实例制作,提出一种基于XML存储半结构化方法,解决FLASH在制作医学形态教学课件中大量局部图形和文字处理的问题;

    By making living examples , put forward a kind of the storing half-structure method according to XML , in order to solve the Flash 's problems about plenty of partial charts and the word treatment in the teaching materials which make medical formation ;

  22. 图形和文字全屏幕编辑程序设计

    A Program Design for Full Screen Editorship on Graph and Characters

  23. 切换到文字编辑模式,以便给所选自选图形添加文字

    Switches to text-editing mode so you can add text to the selected AutoShape

  24. 工业企业通信工程设计图形及文字符号标准

    Standards for graphical and lettered symbols of communication engineering design in industrial enterprises

  25. 挖掘结果可视化模块将挖掘结果以图形或文字的形势呈现给用户。

    The mining result visualization shows the mining result in chart or text .

  26. 石油化工企业电气图图形和文字符号

    Graphical and letter symbols to be used in electrical diagrams for petrochemical enterprises

  27. 人类社会的发展史也是图形符号文字的发展史。

    The human social development history is also a figure-symbol - literalness to develop the history .

  28. 同时,利用图形、文字等方法,对安全性、数据格式等非功能性需求进行了描述,确保需求分析的完整。

    In the meantime , non-functional requirements such as data security , data format were discussed as well .

  29. 分型面设计帮助信息模块,对分型面设计的基本知识进行归纳总结,形成以图形和文字混合表示的分型面设计原则知识库,为用户提供适时的帮助。

    Help information module of the parting surface design summarizes the basic knowledge of the parting surface design .

  30. 用户根据菜单、图形和文字提示输入零件信息。

    A user may input parts information according to the prompt information of menu , graphics or characters .