- 名international syndicated loans

Then it introduces overseas mature real estate financing way , including real estate investment fund , international syndicated loans , bridge loan , real estate property securitization at overseas operation experience and respective characteristic .
The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration
On the Cross - Default Clause of International Syndicated Loan
International syndicated loan is one of main methods of international finance .
International syndicated loans is subject to validity of the arbitration agreement .
The fifth chapter studies the security and guarantees on international syndicated loan .
On the Duty of Fiduciary in International Syndicated Loans
An Analysis on Legal Risks of International Syndicated Loan
The Research of the International Syndicated Loan
Research on Legal Matters of Protection for Interests of Participating Banks in International Syndicated Loan
At last , the author put forward many suggestion to perfect our law systems .
How to apply the management of credit risks to the international syndicated loan markets is not easy .
The procedure of international business arbitration should noted , especially the arbitral rules of financial disputes under CIETAC .
The disputes of international syndicated loans can be solved by transnational lawsuits , and currently through international business arbitration .
The sixth chapter studies the present situation of syndicated loan and the domestic syndicated loan and the issues which need pay attention to .
The fourth chapter studies the international syndicated loan agreement and its main clauses , such as conditions precedent , representation and warranties , covenants and sharing clauses .
Therefore , analyzing experiences and taking lessons from the developed countries are necessary for us to improve our legal protections for member banks involved in international syndicated loan .
International syndicated loan , which emerged in the 1960s , has become one of the major long and medium-term financing methods in the international currency market after decades of development .
The international syndicated loan is widely used in the international finance market now as one of the most important methods of international finance , although it has experienced complicated development .
Compared with foreign developed countries , the progress of Chinese-funded commercial banks ' participation into international syndicated loan is quite slow , lagging far behind the development of international market .
After more than 40 years development , international syndicated loan has become one of the most competitive business in commercial banks and played an indispensable role in the international capital market .
In order to protect the creditors ' legal interest , protection clauses are all stipulated in the agreements of international syndicated loan . The cross-default clause is the most important one of them .
The second chapter discusses the international syndicated loan procedures and involved main legal documents ( not include the international syndicated loan agreement ), such as loan inventory , mandate letter , information memorandum .
International syndicated loan involved some parties , and there are some legal relationships between these parties , containing internal relationships and external relationships , the legal relationships between direct syndicated loan and indirect syndicated loan parties are different .
In the part of legal application on international syndicated loan agreement , it introduces the applicable law and the capacity of covenanting party , discusses the choice of applicable law to the loan agreement and the guarantee agreement respectively .
The first part defines the concept of the international syndicated loan and analyzes the types , legal relations and historical development of the international syndicated loan in detail so as to lay the foundation for the study of international syndicated loan .
International syndicated loan can be divided into two ways , one is international direct syndicated loan , and another is international indirect syndicated loan . International direct syndicated loan is one of the most popular financing methods in the international financial market .
Study on the remedies clause in the international syndicated loan is not only conducive to deepen and develop the theory of international finance law , but also can benefit the future international financial practice and provide intellectual support to the international financial activity .
In this article , the concept and position of the international consortium as well as the growth and development of loan business of consortium in China are analyzed and the author also comes up with the his own suggestions that the legislation for bank loans of China be internationalized .
The legality of Crossing - up Clause in the International Syndicated Loan Agreement