
  1. 在2011年的国际田联钻石联赛上,刘翔以13.07秒的世界领先成绩打败大卫-奥列佛,这也意味着刘翔已恢复到世界一流水平。

    In the 2011 IAAF Diamond League , Liu Xiang defeated David Oliver with a world-leading mark of 13.07 seconds , which marked his return to a world class level .

  2. 在随后的韩国大邱田径世界锦标赛和全国田径锦标赛暨伦敦奥运会达标赛以及国际田联钻石联赛布鲁塞尔站上也夺得了冠军。

    Also won the championship in the subsequent Daegu , South Korea Athletics World Championship and the National Track and Field Championship and the London Olympics in compliance matches and IAAF Diamond League Brussels station .

  3. 他已确认参赛国际田联钻石联赛上海站。

    He 's confirmed to take part in the IAAF 's Diamond League meet in Shanghai .

  4. 自打今年年初在佛罗里达接受了训练,这次是在继俄勒冈尤金站的国际田联钻石联赛取得了第三名之后,苏炳添又成为了冲破十秒屏障的第一个中国人。

    After training in Florida at the beginning of this year , Su sprinted to a national record 9.99 sec to become the first Chinese to crack the 10-sec barrier after finishing third at an IAAF Diamond League meet in Engene , Oregon .

  5. 在今年5月30日的2015国际田联钻石联赛尤金站比赛中,中国运动员苏炳添在男子100米比赛中以9秒99获得第三,仅次于美国选手泰森·盖伊和麦克·罗杰斯,成为首个跑进10秒大关的中国“飞人”。

    Su Bingtian dashed to a career best of 9.99 seconds to finish third behind American Tyson Gay and Mike Rodgers in the men 's 100-meter race at the 2015 IAAF Diamond League Eugene meet on May 30 , becoming the first Chinese to dip under the 10-second barrier in 100m .